Passive loop antennas work pretty well. I would look for a tunable one. You can dial it in to the station and place it perpendicular to the radio's internal antenna right next to the radio. I've had good luck with the ones like this: Passive antenna
Apartment dwellers can try their luck with a tunable loop antenna
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Kaito AN-100 Tunable Passive AM Radio Loop Antenn… | $34.99 | $34.99 | 4.3/5.0 |
SaferCCTV AN-200 Indoor Loop Antenna Replacement… | $30.79 | $30.79 | 4.3/5.0 |
Terk Indoor AM Antenna Advantage | $49.99 | $49.99 | 4.0/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
My antenna is similar to this one, although not exactly the same.
Are you referring to something like this - Kaito AN-100 Tunable Passive AM Radio Loop Antenna for All Brands Like Kaito,Sony,Panasonic,Grundig and More