If I’m not mistaken is that one (only found the link on Amazon Germany, sry don’t know if it’s possible/reasonable price-wise from outside Germany): https://www.amazon.de/kalibri-Bildschirm-Holzst%C3%A4nder-St%C3%A4nder-Schreibtischaufsatz/dp/B01MXS1PHC
That‘s a monitor stand which I got from amazon. Pretty inexpensive, but the quality is outstanding. Came with cork feet and a free cork coaster. It‘s ideal to hide your keyboard and mouse under when I study at my desk and also elevates the monitor, effectively reducing neck strain.
(Sorry for the .de link, I don‘t know how to send international links on mobile...)
Thanks it’s on Amazon: link
kalibri Wood Monitor Stand Riser - Computer Desk Holder Desktop Dock Wooden Mount Display for PC TV Screen Notebook Laptop - Walnut https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MXS1PHC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_80FEHSJ68AYRFZDXB96K
https://www.amazon.com/kalibri-Computer-Monitor-Wood-Stand/dp/B01MXS1PHC/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=wooden%2Bmonitor%2Bstand&qid=1616978924&sr=8-5&th=1kalibri Wood Monitor Stand Riser - Computer Desk Holder Desktop Dock Wooden Mount Display for PC TV Screen Notebook Laptop - Walnut
You can see the PC tucked away in the corner - it is connected to both the monitor and an LG BX65 that is on the other side of the room for couch gaming when necessary. Macbook is the primary machine for work etc. Mouse hotswaps between PC and Macbook. I use a PS5 controller for games.
Monitor: DELL S3219D
Pencil Cup: I got at target a few years ago
Macbook Pro 15"
I got it from Amazon. https://www.amazon.co.uk/kalibri-Universal-Desktop-Monitor-Notebook/dp/B01MXS1PHC