I went with a Mac Mini and large screen TV on a height-adjustable stand so I can move between multiple setups. I recently added a Stream deck (mounted on my handlebars) to the setup. You can search for info on it - it works great versus using a wireless kb once your ride is underway (doesn't replace a kb but i like using the buttons better once riding). The stand I used is below: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RPP3262/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I've been using this for a couple of years now and feel it is really great for my "Zwift station". Since I have 2 trainer setups, this lets me share the screen and computer running Zwift between them and since it is height-adjustable, you can optimize height to match the setup (have a pursuit bike setup on one of trainers that is lower in terms of where you head is/where you're looking versus riding on a regular bike setup).
so I actually have a setup like this but went with 2 stands so I could independently move them around. One is setup for Zwifting (so Mac Mini on the shelf) and one is setup for TV (so AppleTV, Shield for GCN). The one for Zwift is shared between 2 trainer setups (Kickr Bike and modified Kickr fixed gear pursuit bike setup). I've been very happy with this since it's pretty flexible and just move stuff around as needed for the session. I'm using this stand: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RPP3262/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I bought one of these along with a cheap 55 inch TV for my Zwift station and it's worked out perfectly. The small shelf on it fits an Apple Mac Mini well and since it is on wheels, I can use it between my 2 trainer setups without impacting ergonomics. It is height adjustable so I usually lower it one notch when using the pursuit bike setup that is one trainer (since I try to spend a fair amount of time on the extensions - definitely lower head position than typical road bike setup).
Actually both the Intel and M1 versions have an HDMI port on the back so you don't even need to do that - just plug it in. I have mine connected permanently to a 50 inch TV on the stand linked below (that I absolutely love because it lets me easily roll my setup between a Kickr Bike and a modified Kickr/pursuit bike).
Great job - I purchased something similar to this for my pain cave - mostly because i share a TV and Mac Mini between 2 different trainer setups and just needed something really sturdy that could hold a large TV and Mac Mini, etc and move around routinely. I love it and would buy it again/has worked out very well. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RPP3262/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Similar to others, I also split out my TVs and use two. One is dedicated to Zwift and used between my 2 trainer setups (one is fixed gear Kickr/pursuit bike, the other a Kickr bike) and this stand is really ideal for me since it lets me position my Zwift screen to work best for each setup. I use the other TV across the room for watching via an AppleTV - usually watching races while I ride since I find that best motivation for me. The stand I'm using for my Zwift setup is the link below. It has a nice little shelf where my Mac Mini sets and I have a power strip that provides power to everything on the stand's base.
We are currently demo'ing various makes and models.
The only complaint that has worried me so far has been viewing angles. So long as the students aren't seated too close to the wall that the board is mounted on, you should be okay.
So far my teachers seem most interested in the mobile wheeled mounts like this one: https://www.amazon.com/Kanto-MTM65PL-Mobile-Stand-Screens-x/dp/B00RPP3262
With pretty much all of the brands capable of 1)on-board PC and 2)remote screen sharing - my teachers are looking forward to using the boards in small-group instruction anywhere in their room (wherever there is power).
Also had a question for you - Does your teaching staff use SMARTs Notebook software to design lessons? Are you going with SMART branded displays? If not - how are they taking the news that SMART Notebook won't be available to them anymore or are you going to continue paying for SMART licensing?