I use these and they seem to help me on my really hard to sleep nights.
Really random product recommendation, but I've been loving these heated Japanese eye masks. They're one time use and kinda like hand warmers for your eyes but they are soooo soothing on the eyes (I didn't realize my eyes were so tired, but I guess I do have a job where I stare at a screen all day).
I haven't been sleeping as well while pregnant and these knock me out instantly. My husband likes to be on his laptop later than me and the light has really been bothering me too so these help block that out as well. I got a box for about $12 at my local Japanese market and they're quite a bit more pricey on Amazon, but I highly recommend as a treat to yourself if you've had trouble sleeping through pregnancy and want to get a particularly good deep night sleep! They have several different scents and I personally like the Chamomile one.
Note: Not an affiliated or sponsored link at all. I've just really been enjoying sleeping with these and wanted to share.