I’ve not personally used this my dad has one of these and he seems to like it. It’s pretty much the same as the type of strip you attached a picture of but it’s a smart one so you can control it with your phone/smart speaker, as well as the buttons on it.
I think this is fastest way to do (with smart plugs). I put a smart strip in the bedroom for the TV, Tivo, Tuning adapter and fan. In the family room, I use the strip for the TV, Tivo, Tuning Adapter and Soundbar. In the office, I put the cable modem, router and lamp on another. They can get expensive, but then I'm obsessive.
This is one I'm using: Kasa Smart Plug Power Strip
That took care of a bunch of my "Always On"
I use this one. Works okay except that a couple switches will rename themselves after a reboot. Other than that, no complaints except a but pricey. https://smile.amazon.com/Kasa-Smart-Power-Strip-TP-Link/dp/B07G95FFN3/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=tp+link+power+strip&qid=1595499467&sr=8-3
That would mean you need a single plug for each device. 7 X 35 is about $245. Go with a smart strip instead, in which you can control the different plugs by name. Hue doesn't sell a smart strip, but other brands do. I recommend the Kasa one. https://smile.amazon.com/Kasa-Smart-Power-Strip-TP-Link/dp/B07G95FFN3/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=XL4ZU5KK7A9P&keywords=smart+power+outlet+strip&qid=1662580526&sprefix=smart+power+outlet+strip%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-3
What about something like this. You can see the power each port is taking, power cycle them, etc.
Now, some downsides.
But, there's some community github thing out there that lets you interact with the device via an api and do stuff, grafana dashboards, automation, etc. Or you could use the Kasa app on your phone to do the same if you don't mind manual-ish.
Also, they're much cheaper than a "real" smart PDU.
I use this one. The kasa app is pretty good too
Kasa Smart Plug Power Strip HS300, Surge Protector with 6 Individually Controlled Smart Outlets and 3 USB Ports, Works with Alexa & Google Home, No Hub Required https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G95FFN3/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_VRC984WDPA7R7J7YD2TS
I love this thing
Kasa Smart Plug Power Strip HS300, Surge Protector with 6 Individually Controlled Smart Outlets and 3 USB Ports, Works with Alexa & Google Home, No Hub Required https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G95FFN3/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_2HHMK084WNA5QVXYGK7Q?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
in addition to Kill A Watt meters, Kasa makes a "TP Link" plug and a "TP link" surge protector that do energy monitoring. They also make a few products that don't, so make sure you get a product that does if you go with them. Here's a Amazon link.
Limited-time deal: Kasa Smart Plug Power Strip HS300, Surge Protector with 6 Individually Controlled Smart Outlets and 3 USB Ports, Works with Alexa & Google Home, No Hub Required https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G95FFN3/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_dl_XMCTQWB14XKW9FXK55YE
Found this. Gives you some expansion options
I have 2 of these thinking about switching to
Kasa Smart Plug Power Strip HS300, Surge Protector with 6 Individually Controlled Smart Outlets and 3 USB Ports, Works with Alexa & Google Home, No Hub Required https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G95FFN3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_606S6S70CZCD3ZN8TX4X
Nah, like using clap-detecting sensors found in The Clapper but used for different/multiple electronics.
I imagine something like this but controlling it with claps either as an alternative or in addition to your smartphone.
What were you thinking, u/choamnomskee?
6 outlet power strip, each outlet is individually addressable from their free app. no hub required. works with alexa or googles thing.. as it uses a technology standard (TP-link) there are likely other apps besides their own that will work with it.
Would this work too? They have a power strip version. There is a python api for on GitHub for hs110, but I'm not sure if it will work with this version
The smart plug and regular power strip will work just fine if you’d like to control all the outlets at once. I doubt you have anything problematic like a large air conditioner plugged into the strip.
Otherwise, there’s this from TP link: Kasa Smart HS300 Plug Power Strip, Surge Protector with 6 Smart Outlets and 3 USB Ports, Works with Alexa Echo & Google Home, No Hub Required https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G95FFN3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_dlT2_hvj3FbNXN1PH7
My bad, 6 outlet. Here’s a link: Kasa Smart HS300 Plug Power Strip, Surge Protector with 6 Smart Outlets and 3 USB Ports, Works with Alexa Echo & Google Home, No Hub Required https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07G95FFN3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_dlC_E341FbWDPDSEX
I have and like the Anker 6 port USB charger that /u/reddog176 linked below.
Not sure if you want it to all be smart but this is the closest smart strip I could find. Only has 3 USB and 6 AC plugs though: https://www.amazon.com/Kasa-Smart-Power-Strip-TP-Link/dp/B07G95FFN3
Not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but might work Kasa Smart Plug Power Strip, Surge Protector w/ 6 Smart Outlets and 3 USB Ports, Works with Alexa Echo & Google Home , No Hub Required (HS300) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G95FFN3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ZQQkFb44W52AJ
Are you just looking to do load sensing on 6 different devices which are all fed 120VAC from a single 15A circuit? For this, you just need one voltage monitor and then 6 distinct current monitors, one for each device.
Maybe just buy a $60 Kasa smart power strip? Could use it as-is, or tear it down to hardwire your devices.
I use this TP Link smart power strip : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G95FFN3/
I have a couple of these and like all smart power sockets and strips, I can control them with the accompanying app or via Alexa (which is what I use). I have not had any issues running my AVR, TV etc connected to another wifi power strip of the same make. So hopefully,it should be fine for the Xbox as well?
6 outlets, can report power consumption to HomeAssistant.
Here is a good brand name one.
tp-link Kasa Smart Plug Power Strip HS300
The "Deal" is a link to Amazon with this item on sale for $63.99 from its list price of $79.99
I have a pair of TP-Link Smart Power Strips in my lab, allows me to measure power usage per socket and control power per socket via the app or even Alexa. https://www.amazon.com/Kasa-Smart-Power-Strip-TP-Link/dp/B07G95FFN3
They go on sale often. You can also use the json scripts others have mentioned to poll and graph the data from these.
right now what i think my plan is is to use smart power strips with energy monitoring and individual outlet control. then setup a routine to trigger when it detects a certain wattage draw to turn on a smart LED. and turn off when it detects 0 or under a certain wattage(for things like the ps4 that just go into a sleep mode usually.
I got this guy https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07G95FFN3
with this guy https://sense.com/
The Sense isn't that good for always on little stuff like electronics, so I got the surge protector to see how much my always on stuff uses.
I did something like this recently...I used an TP-Link HS300 powerstrip:
Google "HS300 python influxdb" and you will find some good articles.I have everything in Grafana, which I think is the route you are going.
(Keep in mind, I am a Network Guy... my programing sucks)
I ended up creating a separate python script per outlet, then created a service per python script.
Combing this with the raspberry pi temperature sensors (data also in grafana), and IR blaster on a raspberry pi, I can remotely pre-cool my garage lab, and then turn my servers on and off.
It all depends on the total wattage of the loads you will be controlling.
So while it is never recommended, there is nothing actually stopping you from daisy-chaining power strips as long as you are not plugging in any large loads (electric heater, coffee pot, toaster, etc). Small loads, like a few LED lights, are not going to overload the power strips.
So you can plug a power strip into an outlet with an in-wall relay, with the same caveat - no large loads.
If you are thinking you want multiple smart plugs than you should look at smart power strips where there are four individually-controlled outlets.
For instance, here's a Kasa power strip with six individually-controlled outlets:
Here's a Zigbee smart power strip with four individually-controlled outlets:
I've searched around a bit and found options like this.
Though again, stupid application required. Maybe it's possible to use these products _without_ the app but of course this is a difficult question to get answers to.
This sort of thing would work (which I do have) - but its long and heavy. Ideally I would find a 4-5 socket option that is more conveniently sized (like under desk size).
I recognize this is a somewhat niche ask, so I'm not particularly confident in finding this.
Update: I've just placed on order for the Schiit combo (Saga S + Vidar).
I have a Kasa smart power strip and I'll connect all Schiit boxes into it and turn them on/off in one go.
Some links:
Kasa Smart Plug Power Strip HS300, Surge Protector with 6 Individually Controlled Smart Outlets and 3 USB Ports, Works with Alexa & Google Home, No Hub Required , White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G95FFN3/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_2WJSTF6NQZPNA55WA5WC
Is everything wired via 110V AC? One option for consumption is a smart power strip. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G95FFN3?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder-t2_ypp_rep_k0_1_15&amp&crid=28ONLCV9B30JM&amp&sprefix=smart+power+str
Absolute worst case, you could get a second fogger and have both of them operate on a smart timer for half the day each?
I like the Kasa ones because they monitor electrical consumption as well and from a reliable company. There's other brands, some individual outlets, some with just 3. Expect to pay $10ish per controlled outlet. The ability to set individual timers for lights/misters and also to do an emergency shutdown remotely in case a thermostat goes wrong is well worth it.
You can use something like this Kasa Smart Plug Power Strip: https://www.amazon.com/Kasa-Smart-Power-Strip-TP-Link/dp/B07G95FFN3/
interesting; have the older models of that (they didn't support seconds).
Will give it a try; cheap enuff.
Also trying this; supposedly there is a API; APP interface they have does NOT support seconds:
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Kasa Smart Plug Power Strip HS300, Surge Protecto… | $49.99 | $49.99 | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
This might be a good jumping off point:
If you can convert to plug in power like others have suggested.
Deal link: Amazon
That might have been my guess if there was a relative monopoly. But there are lots of companies making smart devices. On the first page of the Amazon results for "smart strip" I see six devices from five different companies and all but one of them have four or fewer sockets. What's more for the one that *does* have six sockets it costs nearly triple what their three socket model does. To me that makes no business sense unless there's some reason it's much harder to build.
I don't know if they power monitor but tp-link kasa smart had some that integrate perfectly into home assistant https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G95FFN3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_0HJGR37NNVQ1ED81DMYJ
Deal link: Amazon
This is the best purchase I've ever made for my tanks. Great for simply programming timers for your co2, lights, ATO, etc.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I put all my power running through smart power strips. They measure throughput and I divide by the amount of plants being grown to get per unit cost. My system is very small though, so it's easy and there aren't many concerns.
Not sure about OCTO print control but all you have to do is use your voice to say what you want https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G95FFN3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_5M5TBSN07BTZVDDK25DF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You are making your life needlessly difficult trying replace an outlet... This is all you need: https://www.amazon.com/Kasa-Smart-Power-Strip-TP-Link/dp/B07G95FFN3/
I have two of these and they work well for me.
Sure thing, and if you're curious these are the strips I'm using: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07G95FFN3/
They seem to work pretty well so far in testing, they handle up to a total of 15 amps.
And you can see power usage through them: amps, current voltage, current watts, total power used today. It's pretty cool.
Deal link: Amazon
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To go with your camera, you can get wi-fi power strips now that you can shut down everything through your phone if you get a camera alert or the fire alarms go off.
Check out this Kasa strip
Each port can be controlled. Has energy monitoring. Remote access via the kasa app, Alexa,Google assistant, and iftt. Can be intergated with home assistant if you want to block from accessing the internet. Amazon and bestbuy have sales from time to time on these.
Just have it connected to a UPS and your good
I use TPLink switches exclusively. I haven't tried their power strip but it seems to meet all your needs.
You might have better luck with a subreddit that deals with geckos since they probably have more requirements than your plants.
Is there a reason reptile keeping humidifiers wouldn't work? This sounds like the kind of thing you're looking for.
There are power strips you can get that have timers. I have one of these and it can be used to set up reoccurring schedules. Since each outlet can be set on its own, you can use it for lights, fans and humidifiers and each can have its own schedule. That's a pricey option, but in some cases it's a solid investment. U wouldn't recommend it for most Terrariums, but if you have multiple electronic devices that should be on a regular schedule, it makes life easy.