Placeholder title: Jason and Erik (Chapter 1/6)
Genre: Novella, young adult, other
Word count: 1,440 (this sample), approx. 17,250 words total
Blurb: Jason Christensen thought he was merely going to find a new girlfriend when he traveled across the Atlantic after graduating from college. His perception of the world would change forever, though, in ways that he did not anticipate...
In this first portion: One June, Jason arrives in Utreca, the land of windmills, to absorb some culture and meet new people at his hostel. While watching a World Cup match in the common room, he meets Vendela, a girl from the northern land of Freyholt, and the two of them start to take a liking to one another.
Type of feedback desired: General impressions, some title suggestions
Link: (Password-protected solely to prevent Google from indexing it - the password is "freyholt", all lowercase.)
If you enjoyed this sample, there's also a book I have already published:
Title: Kasia
Genre: Borderline low fantasy, historical fiction, novella, for older children (not sure what the proper term for that last one is, and I may have published it in the wrong section)
Word count: 1,896 (this sample), 17,909 (total)
Blurb: Princess Kasia ran away hoping to meet a more cultured man than the war hero her father tried to get her to marry. What she didn't expect was that she would end up in a whole new country and time period, forcing her to learn a whole new lifestyle. But when a high school boy named Connor takes her in under his wing after almost running her over with his car, this may be easier than she had originally thought... (Or, for the cinematically-minded, Enchanted meets a John Hughes movie.)
Links: (free sample of the prologue and first chapter) (the book's Amazon page, which is also linked to in the sample on my website - available in paperback and Kindle formats)
Before I share my work, keep in mind, I already shared portions of it on this subreddit last year for critiquing. I listened to some of your criticism (but not all), made some changes, and now it's published on Amazon. I was hesitant to share it again out of fear that you'd trash it mercilessly like last time, but, here we are. Anyway, without further ado...
Title: Kasia
Genre: Borderline low fantasy, historical fiction, novella, for older children (not sure what the proper term for that last one is, and I may have published it in the wrong section on Amazon)
Word count: 1,896 (this sample), 17,909 (total)
Blurb: Princess Kasia ran away hoping to meet a more cultured man than the war hero her father tried to get her to marry. What she didn't expect was that she would end up in a whole new country and time period, forcing her to learn a whole new lifestyle. But when a high school boy named Connor takes her in under his wing after almost running her over with his car, this may be easier than she had originally thought... (Or, for the cinematically-minded, Enchanted meets a John Hughes movie.)
Type of feedback desired: The only feedback I want is if you think I should share part of another work I'm writing the next time I post here.
One more thing: On the off-chance you like what you see, I highly recommend you share it with others. (free sample of the prologue and first chapter on my website) (the book's Amazon page, which is also linked to in the sample on my website - available in paperback and Kindle formats)