FYI I use the tennis ball beaters for my TD-17... will destroy the head a lot less slower, plus they're fun and also sound good on regular kick:
Someone suggested these in another thread. I bought a couple of them, and they are waaaayyy quieter than the stock DW beaters on my KD-10.
Have been using KP65's myself for 10+ years now, I wouldn't worry about felt. That's mostly an issue only on mesh kick towers. The KP65 has a sturdy rubber compound that is very resistant to even extreme wear.
I've used basic Pearl beaters (felt-side), and switched to these beaters once I got my demon drives. These things are amazing -- still get full responsiveness, low noise, minimal rebounding.
This is your best bet to quiet the kick pad:
It helps but the issue is not noise but vibrations. Even with this there will still be lots of vibrations going through the floor from the pedal. A riser will be the only way to completely eliminate the issue.
I'd try the simple stuff first to see how that helps. Piece of foam on the kickpad? Quiet drum beater? (, Earplugs for the family? :P
Try one of those and let us know if it helps!
As others have said, it's probably just a matter of getting used to the feel. A cheap option the might help are these beaters:
I use them with speed cobras and definitely experience more natural rebound on a KD-10.
I needed very silent beaters without being too pricey so I went with the KT-TBB Silent Strikes. $18 found here. I have two for my double bass and let me tell you... they are silent. They’re bouncy and hardly make a noise.
> The bass trigger is super dented (on the right side of a double bass pedal setup) from all kinds of non-drummer and Keith Moon/ Dave Ghrol wannabes stomping the pedal like Edward Norton in American History X
Haha, brilliant!
That's great news. If I had to choose between losing my balls or losing my kit, I would gladly offer my nuts on a plate first.
Hectic, that looks like a black tennis ball drum beater... I actually wrapped bandage around mine to keep the noise down, and it works!
I use to use the KT-TBB from KAT Percussion with my bass Cajon.
The beaters with the little tennis balls on the end get good reviews.
This beater helps dramatically KAT Percussion KT-TBB Silent Strike Bass Drum Beater
This patch protects the mesh head of your kick pad and also reduces noise a bit further Evans EQ Double Pedal Patch,...
Put a sheet of SONOpan on top of your foam tiles and another sheet in between them. Put carpets or mats on top. Done.
Get these things:
KAT Percussion KT-TBB Silent...
Evans EQ Double Pedal Patch,...
Prosource Fit Extra Thick Puzzle...
Yimobra Memory Foam Bath Mat Large Size, Soft and Comfortable, Super Water Absorption, Non-Slip, Thick, Machine Wash, Easier to Dry for Bathroom Floor Rug (Peacock Blue, 70 x 24 Inch)
My kit didn't come with a kick pedal. (If you're interested...
I just got these, they bring the noise down from the beaters
I bought one of these which helped a lot. I also real like the feel this beater provides.