The ascends that Zeeall recommended are great, but I think a pair of Kefs would be better for a desktop. They coaxial driver is great for close listening. Regardless, you won't be disappointed with either.
Kef Q150. You can either go with 3 of them, using one for center, or pick up the Q250c for center. The Uni-Q drivers are excellent in horizontal or vertical orientation.
Or just pick up 3 pair of Q150 for front left/right/center & surround left/right with a spare, which will cost you $900 before tax, where applicable. Amazon also has some 'used like new' options for cheaper.
That Bose is portable, the Marshall is not.
If you don't need the portability, something like these Kef's plus a decent amp are going to be better than any bluetooth speaker.
you probably won't get far at that budget unless you buy used. HOWEVER, even the cheapest bookshelf speakers will be better than a soundbar. So congrats on your first decision not to buy a soundbar. I would check the classifieds assuming you have those in your country. Otherwise, you'll need a AV receiver and probably want to start with a 2.1/3.1 set up. Start small and upgrade as you go. look out for deals.
For new, these Kef Q150's are on sale for $300. You can probably find a decent secondhand receiver.
> Sony STRDH190
Im mostly streaming from online services. Would also like to use any speakers I buy with my record player.
Thank you for your recommendations, do you have any opinions on these
I think these look really nice aesthetically, but slightly more expensive than the ELACs your recommend.
They're probably very good, but for the price I'd rather have a pair of Kef Q150 and a small desktop amp to power them.
Or find a pair of last gen Kef LS50W for around the same price as the LSX.
u/sgt_gesler is looking to split a pair if you want! Also, here's the Amazon link.
Beautiful setup! I went with the corsair ecosystem (for no particular reason) but this almost exclusively razor setup looks nice! You might even say it looks sharp.
You should look at getting some new speakers next. Those ones you've got look awesome, but they don't particularly sound the best. And I can think of a few other speakers that might look the part as well...
Are you looking for powered speakers or will you have an amplifier? Because these KEF's are $300 right now and are usually $550
You can get them brand new on Amazon for $5 less than that recertified A4L “deal”.
Here's an actual link to Amazon and not some affiliate site...
Fluance, Klipsch R-51PM, Kanto all have class D digital amplifiers. Stick with a class A/B integrated amp or receiver if you want to keep your entire chain analog for vinyl.
With separates you have more options to choose the sound of the speakers and amplification. You can later upgrade one part at a time or replace just one part if something fails. If you also have a TV in the room you can get an AV receiver and start with 2 or 3 passive speakers and add more speakers for movies and TV later for surround sound.
If you like Cambridge:
Both have a great built in phono stage preamp so you could return or sell the Solo to help pay for the amp or receiver.
Or for something compact:
Tower floor standing speakers on sale: Then you don't need to buy speakers stands.
Speaker wire: Pure Copper Oxygen Free Speaker Wire then 4 Ways to Strip Wire. Optionally add banana plugs. Already with banana plugs, AmazonBasics, Crutchfield, DFWCableConnection, Blue Jeans Speaker Cable and Blue Jeans at Amazon.
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. Sturdy Monolith by Monoprice Speaker Stands or Monoprice Cherry. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems • Zeos Setup Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos • r/audiophile Guide to Home Audio • Introduction to Audio Components • What is a Phono Preamp? • How to Connect a Turntable to a Receiver
Factory refurbished stereo receivers with a phono input and a one year manufacturer warranty:
If ever using with a TV, an AV receiver, with a phono input, 4K HDMI switching, high pass crossover for the speakers if adding a subwoofer, and Audyssey Multi EQ room correction and speaker setup with included microphone. Then the option to add a center speaker for better dialog and side speakers for surround sound.
Optional later upgrade from the basic phono stage preamp in the receiver, Schiit Mani $129.
Internet Manufacturer Direct Speakers can be a good bang for the buck with 30 day in home trials so you can try 2 or 3 pairs in your home.
On sale:
DIY Kit:
Boston towers on sale:
Speaker Wire:
Speaker Stands: Size to get speaker center or tweeter at ear height from your seated listening position.
What Speakers ? if you got Shit speakers a New AVR won't Help....... Onkyo speakers are Shit.......
with existing AVR.......
The 5" Fluance are ok when on sale for $150 for a small to medium size room. The 5" Jamo S 805 are decent for $225 for a medium size room. Pass on Polk 40 series for $180, they are just ok when on sale for $100. 5" Jamo S 803 $150 are ok for a small to medium room.
Best to listen to as many speakers a you can. For in home demos order 2 or 3 pairs and send back what you don't like.
Speakers on sale:
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile for speaker recommendations.
A few months ago, this subreddit was talking a lot of how they're normally $600 and their quality is competitive around that price. But they've had a few sales going to $250 - $300 or so. Right now they're still at $300 on their website and Amazon if you're looking for something decent.
Fluance RT84 is on sale for $382. The acrylic platter many not make much or any difference and you can always add it later for $119.
The Ai60 are ok, however they do have a digital amp, not analog. I prefer and recommend a separate analog amp or receiver and passive speakers if spending $300 on speakers.
The Fluance DB10 subwoofer is not very good and you can add a better subwoofer later for the same price.
Speakers on sale:
3 or 5 speakers if getting an AV receiver:
Speaker wire: Pure Copper Oxygen Free Speaker Wire then 4 Ways to Strip Wire. Optionally add banana plugs if the speakers and receiver have 5 way binding posts. Already with banana plugs, AmazonBasics, Crutchfield, DFWCableConnection, Blue Jeans Speaker Cable and Blue Jeans at Amazon.
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. Sturdy Monolith by Monoprice Speaker Stands or Monoprice Cherry. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems • Zeos Setup Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos • r/audiophile Guide to Home Audio • Introduction to Audio Components • What is a Phono Preamp? • How to Connect a Turntable to a Receiver • r/HTBuyingGuides FAQ
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile.
LP60X stylus upgrade: From stock conical to elliptical Pfanstiehl 211 4211-DE for $16 plus around $5 shipping.
Speakers on sale:
3 or 5 speakers if getting an AV receiver:
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. Sturdy Monolith by Monoprice Speaker Stands or Monoprice Cherry. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems • Zeos Setup Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos • r/audiophile Guide to Home Audio • Introduction to Audio Components • What is a Phono Preamp? • How to Connect a Turntable to a Receiver • r/HTBuyingGuides FAQ
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile.
3 or 5 speakers if getting an AV receiver:
Speaker wire for passive speakers: Pure Copper Oxygen Free Speaker Wire then 4 Ways to Strip Wire. Optionally add banana plugs. Already with banana plugs AmazonBasics buy 2 for a pair 12ft each or Crutchfield.
Closeout towers DCM TP160 ~~$399~~ $149 pair. Sold-out bookshelf version Review by u/DieselWang, video review and DCM TP160S vs the <strong>SVS Ultra</strong>.
Step up bookshelf version DCM TFE60-B ~~$579~~ $199.
Popular KEF Q150 ~~$549~~ $299 pair KEF direct or Amazon.
Warm Wharfedale Diamond 225 $~~449~~ $299 or smaller Wharfedale Diamond 220 ~~$349~~ $199.
Canton Chrono 502.2 ~~$949.99~~ $279.99 or White.
Boston A26 ~~$399~~ $195 pair or smaller Boston A25 ~~$299~~ $135 pair.
Ascend CBM-170SE $298 + shipping. Neutral sound with a linear frequency response and a great mid range that many speakers in the price range lack. Internet direct, no middlemen or resellers so compare to $500 retail speakers.
Towers Boston A250 ~~$599~~ $300 pair.
DIY Kit: Add around $35 to $50 for supplies then budget for tools if you don't have any. Compare to built speakers costing over twice as much. Glue, clamp, solder, paint, assemble.
Speaker wire: Pure Copper Oxygen Free Speaker Wire then 4 Ways to Strip Wire. Optionally add banana plugs. Already with banana plugs AmazonBasics buy 2 for a pair 12ft each or Crutchfield.
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. Sturdy Monolith by Monoprice Speaker Stands or Monoprice Cherry. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems • Zeos Setup Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos • r/audiophile Guide to Home Audio • Introduction to Audio Components • What is a Phono Preamp? • How to Connect a Turntable to a Receiver • r/HTBuyingGuides FAQ
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile.
A pair of new KEF Q150 for $300 and sell one of them.
Or buy a single refurbished Q150 for $220
All the other decent center channels cost quite a bit more IMO. The standard price for a SVS Prime Center is $400 and it sometimes goes on sale during major holidays for $300.
The Emotiva C1+ has only bee increasing in price. It used to cost $300. Now it is $350.
Emotiva Airmotiv B1+ on sale for $199 after the 10% discount. JBL Studio 530's also $199 refurbished. I would go with either of these over the Klipsch by far. If you want aesthetics too, Kef Q150 for $300.
You need speaker cable and banana plugs and a subwoofer cable.
$300 for a pair of KEF Q150, currently on sale:
If you are sitting more than 10ft away, get the $500 Q350s (also on sale):
If you have no plans of going beyond 2.1, then a quality integrated amp like the Loxjie A30 is plenty good enough. Connect it to your TV via optical audio. You don't need an AVR if you're not going beyond 2.1:
The sky's the limit for a decent subwoofer really. But the SVS PB-1000 is a good starting point for quality subwoofers:
If you really can't afford that, the Dayton SUB-1200 is one of the better ultra budget options, but the SVS is really the better long term investment:
I think I lost track of things when ordering them and forgot they're actually active. To make matters worse they're backordered so I'm thinking of just cancelling the order and using this setup (my computer only has 2.5mm outputs and windows 10 has major USB audio issues so trying to avoid USB):
KEF Q150B -
Aiyima A07 -
RCA to 3.5mm -
3.5mm to 2.5mm converter -
What are your thoughts on this setup?
I have an ASRock Z370 Extreme. I believe it only has 2.5mm connections which is a pain because all RCA to stereo cables are 3.5mm so I have to use a 3.5mm to 2.5mm converter.
It turns out the speakers I bought are backordered (plus they're active and have a hiss which I wasn't aware of until after I bought them) so I'm considering switching to this passive setup:
KEF Q150B -
Aiyima A07 -
RCA to 3.5mm -
3.5mm to 2.5mm converter -
What are your thoughts on this setup?
The ELAC Debut ConneX DCB41 are a bit outside your budget at $600. But they are powered bookshelf speakers that can connect to a TV via ARC. So you will be able to use your TV remote to control the volume. They also allow you to connect a subwoofer if you want more bass and have a phono input if you have a record player:
SVS Prime Wireless Pro have a similar feature set but are way outside your budget at $900.
Within your budget, you can get KEF Q150. They are on sale for $300, but they are passive speakers. However, there are plenty of excellent DAC/amps available for under $200. My personal pick would be the Loxjie A30. It got an excellent review on ASR. This is the most "audiophile" setup of the options here.
But if you do want a powered speaker option that firmly fits in your $500 budget, then my two picks would be the Kanto YU6 and Fluance Ai61:
But seriously consider supplementing either one of them with a Dayton Audio SUB-1200 subwoofer:
Anyway where do you live? Within the budget maybe go for active speaker? Something like JBL 306P MK2 or Edifier MR4.
If the amp doesn't have enough headroom for your desired SPL in such distance then it will likely start to clipping and distort the sound. However, here's my suggestion if you truly aim for passive setup:
- KEF Q150
Of course, within budget those Audioengines should be fine in a small space. If you want to go separates and can wait for a sale the kef q150s would be a step above the rest. They do go on sale for $299.
So you need an AVR, a subwoofer, and speakers.
500 for avr -
$200 for sub -
$600 for speakers: 2 pair of these while they're on sale if you want surround speakers. (on sale right now for half off... which makes their normal price pretty suspect IMHO) Or go with one pair (fronts) of something nicer. Don't worry about a center channel for now.
Or pick out your own selection from here:
Of course, now that we've blown your budget, that doesn't cover speaker stands... I highly recommend monolith monoprice stands. They're priced EACH not by the pair. Fill them with sand - about half a bag each. $250
What about the KEF Q150?
I would get this Denon S750H receiver (refurbished AVR) $350 and JBL 530 ($240) if you are blind and/or like the look or KEF Q150 $350 (stretch the budget a bit, sell that soundbar) or something like that. The AVR covers the phono preamp, I prefer having all the convenience features of an AVR (CEC, ARC, expandability, room correction, etc) when using it with a TV. Of course you could cobble together some sort of stereo amp (Yamaha RN202 or something) + external phono preamp configuration for like $100-200 less than the AVR but the clean setup is way more valuable imo
Check out the Kef Q150 mate. They're phenomenal and currently on sale for the holiday season. I would look at svs subwoofer either sb1000 or pb1000. Focus on getting that subwoofer and a proper stereo setup before expanding. You could theoretically just get a packaged deal like you linked but the difference would be night and day with the Kef line...
KEF Q150B Q150 Bookshelf Speakers (Pair, Black)
SVS SB-1000 300 Watt DSP Controlled 12" Ultra Compact Sealed Subwoofer (Premium Black Ash)
Kef Q150s have dropped further on Visions and amazon. $448 down from $498. I am going to grab a pair from amazon to test out. Hopeing to get three pairs over the next couple weeks to try out then return the two i dont like. Just need the DBR6s to go on sale XD.
Canadian deal.
KEF Q150s on sale at Amazon and Visions. Only black @ Amazon, all colours @ Visions. Unfortunately this seems to be the new sale price for these, the regular price was way jacked up about a year ago.
KEF Q150 $350 on Amazon
Deal link: Amazon
Deal link: Amazon
TCL 5-Series 50" is $650 CAD and is 4k 60hz with a ~12 ms response time for gaming.
For sound, you could get a basic Left/Right 2.0 set up and connect them to a simple amp.
I've been running KEF Q150 speakers from a basic 2-channel amplifier connected to my TV via optical.
It's not ideal, but served its purpose as I saved up for a proper AV receiver and center channel speaker.
Even simpler would be getting a pair of powered speakers that you can plug directly into the TV without an amp/receiver, like these Klipsch R-41PM speakers.
I'm not a big fan of B&W 600 series based on the measurements I've seen (607 S2 & DM603 S3), but I can't comment on the DM610 specifically. Since you are getting a UMIK-1, you could try doing your own quasi-anechoic measurements to make more informed corrections or an upgrade decision. Unfortunately, B&W seem generally not too concerned with directivity control which will make EQ less effective.
As far as upgrades, I tend to prioritize the center channel first if you've already got something for L/R. How is the pricing on Emotiva stuff in Canada? The Monolith THX set would be a decent choice and pricing on the 3-way center seems reasonable on The Polk LSiM 3-way centers are not readily available in Canada, so probably best to focus on the other options. I also noticed that the Kef Q150 is cheaper in Canada than the US right now ($388 CAD vs $395 USD)
That amp will make most anything sound harsh...
But like everyone else - I'd hit up the KEF Q150's when on sale (every couple weeks).
Harman/JBL/Infinity always has sales every month too, the Infinity Reference bookshelfs were just on sale - but not right now...
The sleeper Sony SSCS5 (screaming deal at about $73/pr a few times a year, maybe under $100 on sale normally on and off)
These Klipsch RP-150M (Cherry) is still on sale at Adorama (very legit store) - $219 w/S&H
>Budget isn't an issue
That's easy to say, but budget is always an issue. For <$500 my setup I'm sure isn't the best in the world, but it's much better than either of those 2:
Kef Q150 - review - These go on sale for $300 pretty regularly, don't pay $600 for them
I would check out r/BudgetAudiophile for more ideas, this sub is really small and aimed more at the cheap portable ones.
Deal link: Amazon
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Get good speakers and a better turntable. Amp is fine for now. For new stuff you could do KEF Q150 (300) or Triangle BR03 (350) which would leave you enough to get a Fluance RT80 or something similar. Used will definitely get you more for your dollar but depends on what is in your area and how long you are willing to wait for the good stuff to come along.
Thats a big price range.
At the lower end of it look at Klispch R-41M's Or Infinity Reference 152
At the higher end go with KEF Q150, Klispch RP-150m, or Ascend Acousutics CBM-170 SE
Right now, I think the KEF Q150 are the best buy for budget audio. They're normally $600 but on sale for $300.
Add a stereo receiver and you're good to go.
I'm saying almost exactly the same thing as u/Army_Elegant
KEF Q150 speakers. Get two pairs and use one pair as L/R, and use another speaker for a center and then sell the extra. These speakers are usually $600 but they're on sale for $300 right now.
SVS SB-1000 subwoofer.
What do you think of the paradigm 600s.
Thinking of getting a new pair of speakers. Currently leaning towards [KEF Q150B](
However a powered setup would def be easier for me.
Would top my list at that price in Europe
Also very nice.....
For $300 you could definitely upgrade the speakers.
Before we go any further, I want to get a bit more info. Specifically this:
> My budget is around 300$
around means you can go over? I'm asking because the KEF Q150 are normally $600 and are on sale for $300 right now, and would easily be the best upgrade you can make. However, you need an amp with them. You'll need something like this $60 SMSL.
Deal link: Amazon
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I highly recommend Kef Q150s that are currently on sale for 50% off. They do this sale once or twice a year.
> I’d prefer powered since my PC won’t have a dedicated sound card. Unless there were a compelling reason to buy a dedicated sound card or external amplifier.
I'd like to talk about this quick. Dedicated soundcards don't matter and I'd never get one. The reason to buy an external amplifier, however, is that you can get passive speakers and have the ability to upgrade later. Also, you can get an amp with the DAC in it, which is the part in a soundcard that matters. One in an amp is probably better than one in a soundcard though.
> If it could be expandable to add more speakers later, that’d be nice but not a must-have.
With powered speakers, you won't be able to do that. This is just another reason to go with passive speakers instead of powered speakers.
That all being said, I personally think the choice is super easy. The KEF Q150 are normally $600 and they're on sale right now for $300. That leaves you with $300ish. Depending on how you want to do it, you've got two options. If you really want to upgrade and add more speakers in the future, get a receiver for just over $200 that will allow you to add more speakers if you need to. If you don't know if you'll be doing that, you can get a Topping MX3 at $130.
Also, just to answer all of your other questions:
> I originally looked at the Logitech G560 speakers.
Logitech doesn't make good speakers. Stay far away.
> Now I’m considering the Klipsch R-41PM powered speakers.
Eh. You get all of the problems with active speakers if you go with those, and there's a good chance you won't like them. A lot of people hate Klipsch but a lot of people like it. It would suck to buy something that you can't easily swap out and find out you don't like it. I personally wouldn't do that.
> I think I’d like to pair these with either the R-12SW or R-100SW.
Don't get a Klipsch subwoofer.
> I am concerned that they don't have an equalizer or at least treble/bass knob
I don't know why you'd need this, but almost nothing has one. You can get a Schiit Loki if you really need to, but you probably don't.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you've got any more questions.
One sale on amazon too!
KEF Q150B Q150 Bookshelf Speakers (Pair, Black)
Just found this out and it’s a good deal!
the Q150's, hands down, easy call. I'd even recommend Q100's over the 150's because they're front ported (and come with grills). The 150/350's are rear ported and grills are extra money.
Not sure where you're located but in the USA, the Q150's are $300/pr in Black or White on Amazon or direct from KEF.
I absolutely hated the UB5's. The midrange driver was unneeded, it was resonant and awkward sounding, the tweeter sounded like a wet paper towel was over it. The crossover points and the fact they used a 3 way design killed it for me. The KEF's aren't perfect, but much better imaging and presence. A little bass & treble EQ can go a long way.
As far as amps - well, depends on what you want for features. I'd push you into a mid-tier Yamaha 2 channel integrated amp or receiver, depending on your needs.
Towers can be good if you will be skipping the subwoofer so you have less risk of annoying your neighbors.
Bookshelf speakers can get you a better bang for your buck, especially if adding a subwoofer, though stands will run $50 to $150.
An AV Receiver for use with a TV even for just 2 speakers and you can add on a matching center, then also surrounds.
AV Receivers:
Denon AVR-S540BT $150 refurbished 5.2 with optical input DAC and HDCP 2.2 and HDMI 2.0B for 4K video switching.
Denon AVRX1400 $250 refurbished 7.2/5.2.2 adds the excellent Audyssey MultEQ XT room correction / speaker calibration
Recommendations from AverageJoeAudiophile or Towers and r/HTBuyingGuide.
Infinity Reference R162 $175 or JBL Studio 230 $200 both refurbished direct from the manufacturer. Then watch for sales on the matching center speakers.
Internet Manufacturer Direct can be a good bang for the buck with 30 day in home trials so you can demo 2 or 3.
Budget subwoofers: Or skip it if you have neighbors in an apartment.
Dayton SUB-1200 $148, Dayton Audio SUB-1500 $198, Bic F12 $220, and try the $15 off $150 coupon (with $2 filler item for the 1200). The BIC Acoustech PL-200 II isn't on sale at the moment. Better SVS or HSU subwoofers start around $450.
Speaker wire:
Pure copper oxygen free 16 Guage and self adjusting wire strippers or basic.
Speaker stands:
Audio Advisor and most are also available at Amazon. Or Monolith by Monoprice heavy duty, half price of name brand equivalent.
Home Theater Guides:
r/HTBuyingGuides FAQ, How to Set Up a Basic Home Theater System - Lifewire, How to Set Up Your Home Theater Receiver, Speaker Placement for Home Theater, and also see r/hometheater.
Home Audio Guides:
Zeos Lists, Zeos Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos, Intro to home stereo systems, r/Audiophile Getting Started, Beginner's Guide to Home Audio, AverageJoeAudiophile's Guides, Speaker Placement for Stereo Music Listening
> Almost wish there was a detailed list of recommended products with different price points.
I'm working on one right now, but I'll help you out here.
First of all, bass is the hardest thing to reproduce. That's why subwoofers are so expensive. The cheapest 'good' subwoofers are around $400.
I think it would be a good idea to get a 4.0 setup for now. You can replace the front speakers and the receiver, and move the speakers that are there into the back.
This is the receiver I would get
My first choice would probably be a pair of HSU speakers. They have a pretty flat response, but they're dynamic and fun. They have really good vocal clarity, which would be good for theater use. They're also efficient, so you can crank them up and they won't break a sweat. They make a center channel that I haven't heard yet, but I bet it's just as awesome.
Ascend Acoustic CBM-1 would be a good speaker for this. They have a very full sound, slightly tipped up at the top end from what I can tell. I like them a lot. They make a center when you're ready. If you want, you could get Special 1 right now and be good to go. You could even get special 2 and get the full 5.0 system. That'll be pushing your budget just a tad.
If you want to spend a bit more on the setup in the long-term, I would look at KEF. The KEF Q150 is a phenomenal speaker. It has awesome vocal clarity, clean tight bass, and a really full and clear sound. Depending on how much you plan on spending overall, you could get these for the fronts now and eventually get the center channel. Even later down the road, move those fronts to the rear and replace them with a pair of towers. You'll have an amazing setup after that. However, that's a lot more expensive than these other options. Just something to think about.
The first two are internet direct brands, meaning they only sell on the website. They have really good price to performance, since they aren't paying the amazon fees, or dealer fees, or distributor fees, or anything in between those.
How does this look?
If you are doing Amazon, KEF Q150 $299. Or go with the larger Diamond 225 if not adding a subwoofer.
Your fellow Norwegian u/LivingCyborg I was chatting with says he can get KEF Q150 for $320 USD equivalent in Norway.
>I am looking for passive speakers recommendations
Which city to look for used options?
Also ask r/BudgetAudiophile after reading their PSA. List Australia in the flair and title.
Hello, thanks for reading!
What is a good amplifier to get for a desk for the KEF 150q? Waiting for these to come in the mail to use them for my computer system. Mostly for listening to music and movies. I am looking for a small amp to power these that would fit nicely on my desk (70x30'') that has a volume knob on the front or top. Any suggestions?
Link to speakers:
No necessary, just nice to have if you want lower bass. However I recommend a speaker upgrade before spending any money on a subwoofer.
If not new speakers, what is a nearby city or Craigslist area I can search for used?
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. Sturdy Monolith by Monoprice Speaker Stands or Monoprice Cherry. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Speakers on sale:
The acrylic platter is mostly for looks, it's not going to make much or any noticeable difference. It would be one of the last things to upgrade.
What are you powering the Klipsch R-51 with?
The Klipsch R-51 are good for their price. An upgrade would be to the better Reference Premiere line, used RP-150 or RP-160 or new RP-500 or RP-600.
Speaker upgrades on sale:
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. Sturdy Monolith by Monoprice Speaker Stands or Monoprice Cherry. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Stereo Receiver:
Over budget speakers:
Speaker wire: Pure Copper Oxygen Free Speaker Wire then 4 Ways to Strip Wire. Optionally add banana plugs. Already with banana plugs AmazonBasics buy 2 for a pair 12ft each or Crutchfield.
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and Speaker Placement for Home Theater Surround.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. Sturdy Monolith by Monoprice Speaker Stands or Monoprice Cherry. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems • Zeos Setup Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos • r/audiophile Guide to Home Audio • Introduction to Audio Components • What is a Phono Preamp? • How to Connect a Turntable to a Receiver • r/HTBuyingGuides FAQ
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile for speaker recommendations.
Combination? No you only use 2 speakers at a time for stereo music.
The Fisher may possibly sound as good or better than the Mackie speakers. What are you powered them with? A vintage receiver or integrated amp?
If you already have speakers what was the reason for getting the Mackie speakers? Needed something smaller? If you already have a receiver or integrated amp you could get smaller better passive speakers.
Used speakers are the best value. What is your nearest Craigslist city I can search for you?
Speakers on sale:
Speakers on sale:
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile for speaker recommendations.
Stereo receiver: Pioneer SX10AE ~~$149~~ $129 open box Pioneer direct.
Speaker wire for passive speakers: Pure Copper Oxygen Free Speaker Wire then 4 Ways to Strip Wire. Optionally add banana plugs. Already with banana plugs AmazonBasics buy 2 for a pair 12ft each or Crutchfield.
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems • Zeos Setup Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos • r/audiophile Guide to Home Audio • Introduction to Audio Components • What is a Phono Preamp? • How to Connect a Turntable to a Receiver
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile.
Kanto SYD are good but they do have a digital amp. For vinyl you may want to go with an analog integrated amp or receiver to keep everything analog.
Cambridge Audio AXR100 ~~$499~~ $369 factory refurbished sounds great and have a $100 value built in phono preamp.
Speakers on sale:
Speaker wire for passive speakers: Pure Copper Oxygen Free Speaker Wire then 4 Ways to Strip Wire. Optionally add banana plugs. Already with banana plugs AmazonBasics buy 2 for a pair 12ft each or Crutchfield.
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems • Zeos Setup Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos • r/audiophile Guide to Home Audio • Introduction to Audio Components • What is a Phono Preamp? • How to Connect a Turntable to a Receiver
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile.
What is your nearest Craigslist city I can search used for you?
New speakers on sale:
Speaker wire: Pure Copper Oxygen Free Speaker Wire then 4 Ways to Strip Wire. Optionally add banana plugs. Already with banana plugs AmazonBasics buy 2 for a pair 12ft each or Crutchfield.
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. Sturdy Monolith by Monoprice Speaker Stands or Monoprice Cherry. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems • Zeos Setup Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos • r/audiophile Guide to Home Audio • Introduction to Audio Components • What is a Phono Preamp? • How to Connect a Turntable to a Receiver • r/HTBuyingGuides FAQ
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile.
Which model Klipsch? Links? The entry level Klipsch are Reference, the better Klipsch are Reference Premiere. Have you listened to Klipsch, do you like their sound?
You can keep using the phono preamp in the LP60 for now. You will need an integrated amp or a receiver to power passive speakers. Do you also have a TV in the room to used the speakers with for better movie and TV sound?
Towers can help fill a medium to large room. They often go a bit lower than bookshelf if never adding a subwoofer however they don't replace a subwoofer. Bookshelf are often a better value when adding a subwoofer.
Towers on sale:
Bookshelf on sale:
DIY Kit: Add around $35 to $50 for supplies then budget for tools if you don't have any. Compare to built speakers costing over twice as much. Glue, clamp, solder, paint, assemble.
Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems • Zeos Setup Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos • r/audiophile Guide to Home Audio • Introduction to Audio Components • What is a Phono Preamp? • How to Connect a Turntable to a Receiver • r/HTBuyingGuides FAQ
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. Sturdy Monolith by Monoprice Speaker Stands or Monoprice Cherry. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile.
The DCM Timeframe DF700 may be good. However if you want to keep using vintage speakers and want them to sound as good as new and as good as they should sound then have them serviced and the crossovers checked out. The crossovers are probably old and dried out if they have never been serviced or replaced.
If you want to stay vintage look for a serviced 70's receiver where the capacitors have been checked and recapped or learn to safely do it yourself.
For new: Cambridge Audio AXR100, MARANTZ PM5005, Emotiva TA-100.
Or AV or an HDMI stereo receiver if you also use the speakers with a TV?
Speakers on the level of the turntable: Ascend Sierra-1 or Sierra-2EX.
Speakers on sale:
The Marantz 2230 seems to be worth paying to have serviced and the capacitors recapped to get it to sound as good as new. How to Make a Vintage Component Sing Again and How to Make a Vintage Component Sing Again, Part II .
The BIC may not be worth paying to have repaired however it may be worth trying a new belt and stylus, lubricating, and trying to get running yourself.
Also check out r/audiorepair and r/vintageaudio.
For speakers what is your Craigslist city I can search used?
Speakers on sale:
Speaker wire: Pure Copper Oxygen Free Speaker Wire then 4 Ways to Strip Wire. Optionally add banana plugs. Already with banana plugs, AmazonBasics or Crutchfield.
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. Sturdy Monolith by Monoprice Speaker Stands or Monoprice Cherry. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems • Zeos Setup Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos • r/audiophile Guide to Home Audio • Introduction to Audio Components • What is a Phono Preamp? • How to Connect a Turntable to a Receiver • r/HTBuyingGuides FAQ
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile.
Speakers and see what you can do about the stylus/cartridge.
What is your Craigslist city I can search for used?
Speakers on sale:
Speaker wire: Pure Copper Oxygen Free Speaker Wire then 4 Ways to Strip Wire. Optionally add banana plugs. Already with banana plugs AmazonBasics buy 2 for a pair 12ft each Crutchfield.
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems • Zeos Setup Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos • r/audiophile Guide to Home Audio • Introduction to Audio Components • What is a Phono Preamp? • How to Connect a Turntable to a Receiver • r/HTBuyingGuides FAQ
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile for deals, tips, and more recommendations.
If you already have 2x Play 1 don't bother with a Play 5. Play 5 is a single unit digital speaker with no stereo separation for sound stage and imaging. You can use 2x Play 1 as stereo speakers.
For a $500 budget I recommend separate passive speakers and a mini amp, integrated amp or a stereo receiver. Or an AV receiver if there is also a TV in the room for better movie and TV sound with a center speaker for better dialog or optionally side speakers for surround sound.
With separates you have many more options and combinations to choose from and you can later upgrade or replace one part at a time.
Compact integrated amp:
Stereo receiver or integrated amp:
Speakers on sale:
If you must have powered speakers:
Speaker wire: Pure Copper Oxygen Free Speaker Wire then 4 Ways to Strip Wire. Optionally add banana plugs. Already with banana plugs, AmazonBasics, Crutchfield, DFWCableConnection, Blue Jeans Speaker Cable and Blue Jeans at Amazon.
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. Sturdy Monolith by Monoprice Speaker Stands or Monoprice Cherry. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems • Zeos Setup Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos • r/audiophile Guide to Home Audio • Introduction to Audio Components • What is a Phono Preamp? • How to Connect a Turntable to a Receiver • r/HTBuyingGuides FAQ
Tower floor standing speakers:
DIY Kit Speakers: Add around $50 for supplies then budget for tools if you don't have any. Compare to built speakers costing over twice as much. Glue, clamp, solder, paint, assemble.
Speakers on sale:
DIY Kit Speakers: Add around $35 for supplies then budget for tools if you don't have any. Compare to built speakers costing over twice as much. Glue, clamp, solder, paint, assemble.
How to Make a Vintage Component Sing Again
Speakers on sale:
Turntable: Fluance RT82 $275.
Stereo Receiver: Cambridge Audio AXR85 ~~$399~~ $299 with a $100 value built in phono preamp.
Speakers on sale:
Speaker wire: Pure Copper Oxygen Free Speaker Wire then 4 Ways to Strip Wire. Optionally add banana plugs. Already with banana plugs AmazonBasics buy 2 for a pair 12ft each and 6ft for the center speaker or Crutchfield.
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. Sturdy Monolith by Monoprice Speaker Stands or Monoprice Cherry. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems • Zeos Setup Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos • r/audiophile Guide to Home Audio • Introduction to Audio Components • What is a Phono Preamp? • How to Connect a Turntable to a Receiver
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile.
Canton Chorus Bookshelf Speaker Review
Canton Chrono 502.2 ~~$949.99~~ $279.99 or White.
They may be a bit on the bright side of neutral.
For a warmer sound, Wharfedale Diamond 225 $~~449~~ $299.
Or popular KEF Q150 ~~$549~~ $299 pair KEF direct or Amazon.
For towers, KEF Q Series.
DCM Closeout Sale:
I have Ascend CBM-170SE $298 + shipping. Neutral sound with a linear frequency response and a great midrange that many speakers in the price range lack. Internet direct, no middlemen or resellers so compare to $450 retail speakers.
Or Ascend CMT340 on TP24 stands. Or Sierra series bookshelf or towers $700 to $2200.
Towers DIY Kit:
Consider buying used for the best value. What is your Craigslist city or area that I can search?
Klipsch RP-150M $289 open box. Reputable seller.
Speakers on sale:
Speaker Placement: Stereo Music Listening and How to position your speakers for great sound.
Bookshelf (misnomer) speaker stands: Dayton Audio SSMB24 or Monoprice Glass. Sturdy Monolith by Monoprice Speaker Stands or Monoprice Cherry. DIY Custom Speaker Stands.
Also check out r/BudgetAudiophile.
ForMusic :
Unless you want it For Home Theater too, then :
Denon S640 5.1 4K, WiFi, Bluetooth, phono input
DCM 3 piece
I would strongly recommend the KEF Q150s (speakers) You could start with a stereo setup and upgrade over time when you appreciate and understand better.
You wouldn’t need a subwoofer because these speakers can go really low.
I would suggest getting a used Yamaha AVR in the $70-100 range or better yet a NAD C316BEE. You could get a cheap $15 TOSLINK DAC from amazon if you want to connect the speakers to the TV.
But if you are not comfortable buying used, Cambridge audio Topaz AM10 is on amazon sale for $199
Links: Speakers
Stereo amplifier
Edit: Please get speaker stands to do justice to your ears and the speakers
Here's the amazon link. Just in case...
You said you're not a crazy bass-head, so I think you could actually go without a subwoofer and be decently happy for now.
I think if you're looking for 'bang for your buck', the KEF Q150 should do it for you. They're $550 a pair, but just went on sale for $300 a pair (you can select other sellers and KEF Store is $300 new, which is the official KEF seller of them anyways). A step up from that would probably be the Ascend Acoustic Sierra in my opinion.
For near field in a small room, have you considered:
My choice for powered desktop speakers would be Transparent One Encore | Vanatoo $600. Or SVS Prime Wireless Speakers $1000.
For passive, my choice would be Sierra Two, Sierra Luna, Sierra One or Revel Concerta2 M16.
For starters, these are $550:
Kef q150. Originally $550, sale for $300
>I was thinking of mounting the TV with the legs on the sides
I don't understand.
I haven't listened to the Ts only the Q100s.
5.25" KEF Q150 are $300 a pair though you would need a second pair to use one as a center speaker and sell the extra one since the only Q center uses larger 6.5" drivers and costs $650.
I don't know what center is going to fit in your cabinet. You may need a table top stand or riser legs..
The PB1000 is only 10" and too small for a big open space.
Okay then I think you should stay away from the klipsch. They have a very bright top end, that some people find harsh.
These kef q150s are very nice, and will be closer to what you're looking for. They'll have detail but they won't be yelling it at you like the klipsch will.
Another option would he ascend acoustics cbm170. They have a silk dome tweeter rather than a metal one, which will make the highs a bit more rolled off and slightly less detailed. There will still be detail, but it will be a bit relaxed.
You only mentioned bookshelf speakers, but in case you can get towers, I have two options for you here.
If you've been looking around a bit, you may have heard of magnepan. They're not for everyone, but the people that like them, well, they really like them. It's hard to explain what they sound like, but after you hear them, every other speaker you'll hear just sounds like it's coming from a box. They're smooth and musical. That's the best I can do.
Tekton makes tower speakers that are supposed to be excellent. They get fantastic reviews all over. They're extremely efficient, so they have some dynamics and some punch that other speakers might not have. The idea behind them is that they get out of the way, and you just hear the music. That's what the designer says, and that's what some reviews say it's like. With other speakers you can hear the speakers, but with these you can't apparently. I can't comment on it directly though. Sorry.
Do any of those look like good options?
Oh, and you'll need an amp, but we can get to that in a bit.
I've got an idea for you.
Kef q150 speakers are on sale for $300 instead of $550. This will be in your price range and give you a taste of kef, so you know if u really want the LSX or the LS50. Along with those, grab a receiver and you're good to go. Those speakers will have tons of details, and the vocals will absolutely blow you away. Fantastic speakers all around.
If you want something a bit more laid back and easy to listen to, ascend acoustics cbm170 would be what you want. They're a bit warmer and don't have the detailed highs. You could get the same received with them as well.
Speaker Stands: Audio Advisor and most are also available at Amazon too. Monolith by Monoprice heavy duty, half price of name brand equivalent.
Receivers: Lowest priced $150 refurbished with a one year factory warranty.
Stereo, Onkyo TX8220 $150, optical input and sub out.
If ever using with a TV even with just 2 speakers, an AV receiver, Denon AVR-S540BT $150 refurbished 5.2 with HDMI 2.0B with HDCP 2.2 for 4K video switching.
Speakers: Recommendations from AverageJoeAudiophile and r/HTBuyingGuide.
Internet Manufacturer Direct can be a good bang for the buck. 30 day in home trials so you can try 2 or 3.
On sale:
KEF Q150 $300.
Wavecrest Audio HVL-1, and order on sale here at Ascend $80 each + shipping. "Budget Ascends". To me, competitive with and possibly better mids than the Q100.
Big 6.5" bookshelf speakers on sale, if you have the space for them. Larger cabinets than many other 6.5" speakers:
Speaker wire: Pure copper oxygen free 16 Guage and self adjusting wire strippers or basic.
Optional Subwoofer to add now or later.
Low budget Dayton SUB-1200 $148, Dayton Audio SUB-1500 $198, Bic F12 $220, and try a coupon code.
Better 10":
Better 12":
Home Audio Guides: Intro to home stereo systems, Zeos Lists, Zeos Tutorials, Diagrams and Videos, r/Audiophile Getting Started, Beginner's Guide to Home Audio, AverageJoeAudiophile's Guides, Speaker Placement for Stereo Music Listening.
It's your lucky day. Kef q150 are on sale from $550 to $300.
The best bang for your buck would be to spend more on the bookshelf speakers, and then save money for a better sub. If you get a bad sub, you'll want to replace it eventually. Better to just skip thay step.
I'll discuss the "bad sub" part a bit. Let's say you have a very good pair of speakers. Excellent detail, clean tight bass, and very good imaging. Now, you cross over the lows to a sub, that is boomy, doesn't fill the room, and does not have clean tight bass. You'll be able to tell exactly where the speakers roll off and where the sub comes in, and that's not good. It doesn't sound like too much of a problem, but when you've got a nice pair of speakers and something boomy going on, it can be pretty annoying.
Thay being said, I've got some options for speakers. These kefs are extremely good, and are on a good sale right now. Down to $300 from $550. Very detailed highs, spectacular imaging, crazy good vocals, tight bass but not super deep bass. Deep enough to keep you satisfied without a sub though.
These elacs are a great price at $300, and they're on sale for $150 today. They throw gobs of bass at you. Those big 6.5" woofers will impress you. They don't have a ton of detail, and then also don't have as good of imaging in my opinion. They are a very easy to listen to and pleasing speaker, designed by Andrew Jones, who you'll become familiar with if you stick around long enough. He's a very good speaker designer.
u/sharkamino really likes ascend acoustics, however I haven't heard those speakers. They're highly regarded in the speaker community as being very good speakers, especially at that price. Maybe he'll swing by and comment on them a bit more. From what I hear, they have a good amount of bass and good imaging.
Amp with plenty of power to drive any of these
Amp with power to drive them <em>and</em> with Bluetooth
"But Poly, what would you get and why?"
I'm glad you asked haha. I'd get the kefs. Yeah, I like bass, but vocals impress me more. Get the kefs and put on a song by Billie Eilish or Ed Sheeran. It sounds like they're standing right in front of you. The kefs were designed specifically for vocal clarity, and man do they deliver. Absolutely stunning speakers. I can't say enough good things about them. At $550 they'd be good speakers, but at $300 they're great speakers. That being said, I listen to a lot of singers, and vocals are my favorite part of the song. If you'd like to just get some speakers to fill the room with sound and you're not going to be sitting down and just listening, the elacs might be better for that.
So here's the plan.
Kef Q150 bookshelf speakers (pair)
Is the receiver enough power for this setup? Do I need anything additional?
Amazon link for these here:
KEF Q150 Bookshelf Speakers (Pair, Black)
No problem! With that out of the way, we can talk options for bookshelves.
I've got three options that I think will be good for you.
First is Ascend Acoustic CBM-170. They are a very good all around speaker. Relatively neutral, good bass extension, and plenty of detail to make most people happy.
Next up is HSU HB-1. These are horn speakers, and they're fun. They are dynamic and exciting. The highs are detailed, there's very good bass extension, and they have good power handling, meaning they can get loud with ease, but they also sound great at low volumes. These are definitely a fun speaker.
Finally, KEF Q150. These have loads of detail in the top end, absolutely fantastic imaging, really tight and clean bass, amazing vocal clarity, and some dynamics. Not as much dynamics as the HSU, but a good amount. These will be the most detailed up top, so they might not be what you want, since you said 'not overwhelming highs'.
Out of those three.........oh gosh. I like them all for different reasons. I'd probably get the HSUs. Acoustic music sounds really good because of the dynamics.
SMSL SA50 is a fantastic amp, and has absolutely no bells or whistles. RCA input, volume control, speaker wire output. That should be good enough for you haha.
How do those look?
sup homie, I’m 16 and I got myself the kef q100s, and if you have an amp that’s at least 45wpc you will have more than enough speaker. I use them in my bedroom and they’re infinitely better than the polks I stole from my grandparents. I had originally wanted bw 686s2’s but after hearing them at an AV store...they’re just alright. I highly recommend the q series from kef, as well as any sub $500 Cambridge bookshelves.
If you have a little patience check out the Kef q150's a good choice at $600, but they go on sale for $300 somewhat regularly which is a steal.this is the review that sold me
These are passive, so here's a good amp to go with it. .Arylic A50 here's the review that sold me