Take a look at Ken's Guide to the Bible, which is along these same lines. It's divided into what, in Ken's view, are the 3 books of the bible: Old Testament, New Testament, and Jesus Hangover.
I always liked Ken's Guide to the Bible. Succinct and easy to read
For a handy starter guide to the best-worst of the Bible, I can't recommend enough the seminal classic Ken's Guide To The Bible.
>She is very clear that the 4 gospels are written by people who followed Jesus AT THAT TIME.
It is extraordinarily not the case that the gospels were written by people who knew Jesus.
>I saw these things happen and I am just writing them down without a slant or personal opinion."
Really? Then why do the gospels all paint Jesus in slightly different ways? John, in particular, is way out there, which is why he's not considered one of the synoptic gospels.
> Again I was so surprised how different our account of the "facts" are.
She's not looking at facts. She's parsing stuff to fit her belief system. If she weren't a coworker I'd suggest buying her this book to get her started.
If you need help doing so with someone who is capable of processing new information, Ken did it for you.