Depends on the price but it looks interesting.
What makes this different than something like this?
I used to not like vent mounts either but after going through dozens of other mounts I finally gave it a fair shot and like them much better than I thought I would. Makes it very close to you so you can see and adjust things easier. This is what I use:
Hands down the best is the Keanu airframe. Been using one for years. Actually just bought a second one since my old one was too small to fit the pixel xl. No magnets and no bulk and no fuss.
Depending on the cart design this might work. I use it in the car on the air vent but I think it would go on the cart wire of a grocery cart as well. It wouldn't work on plastic carts like Target though. Kenu Airframe | Car Mount for Smartphones (Non Phablets) | Black
I've got this one:
I started with one of the CD slot mounts but it blocked the hazard light button, which I wasn't a fan of. This I have mounted to the vent next to the steering wheel so it's close, and the phone gets to cool down when the AC is on! (Not so good in winter with heat on.) It works very well overall... easy to use, reach, handle. Small enough to take with me if I switch cars, and rather durable. Been using it two years now.
No doubt the Kenu Air frame
Fits any phone/phablet (up to Galaxy S6 edge+ and iPhone 6 plus) with a super thin case on it and in almost any car. Hasn't damaged any of my air vents
Why don't you just close the vent on which you mount the phone?
I use one of these:
They are small, snug, and hold the phone decently enough and you don't have to worry about any long-term damage to the CD slot.
I considered the Proclip, but I ended up going with a Kenu Airframe - it seems like most of the Proclip options block a vent anyway, and with the Airframe I could easily unclip the phone holder from the vent and keep using it if I was driving another vehicle (for example, a rental car or something.) The Airframe probably doesn't hold the phone as solidly, but it's pretty good, and it's a lot more flexible if you change phones (or cars) and it's and a bit cheaper. Also, using my phone (a '13 Moto X, which has a screen diagonal of 4.7") I found that if I was willing to have the phone cover (but not interfere with the actual operation of) the hazard light button, I could leave most of the vent open.
I swear by these. Goes right in a vent, Steady AF. Can even rotate to landscape if you want.
I personally think this is the best phone mount. Very minimal, so it doesn't look gaudy. Holds solid. Very easy to put in and remove. Cheap. I've convinced many to get this one.
do not! EVER! use a suction cup on the dash, even one of the sticky kind that will hold to a textured surface. The dash is soft and I found out the hard way that the suction cup will deform the dash. I had one in the prius that worked great because even tough the dash was textured, it was solid plastic.
I use this vent clip in the vent to the right of the steering wheel.
I absolutely love the Kenu Airframe. It clips into an airvent and stays put. I've had mine for about a year and it still works just as well as the first day I got it. Plus, at $25, it's relatively inexpensive in comparison with some of the other mount choices.
> Kenu airframe
20$ on amazon. Sounds like a very decent price.
Non-mobile: Kenu Airframe
^That's ^why ^I'm ^here, ^I ^don't ^judge ^you. ^PM ^/u/xl0 ^if ^I'm ^causing ^any ^trouble. ^WUT?
Dude ... Android and Waze. It rocks! And also may I suggest this vent mount
my fav purchase of phone holder for car its small and simple goes into your air vents
I bought this one for my wife and she loves it.
There are plenty of options for mounting your phone, but I suppose it's a matter of what your preferences are (e.g., vent mount, CD slot mount, dash mount, other) in terms of obstructing certain things in the car.
I personally use a Kenu Airframe vent clip mount. I mount it on the left center vent which offers great visibility. I personally don't mind vent clip mounts as the A/C keeps my phone cool during the Summer months and it doesn't interfere with the nav display at all and is quite discreet.
If you're okay with using a case and/or sticking a magnet on your phone, then you could also consider the KUDA mount which offers a fairly OEM appearance.
There are also mounts that clip on to the air vent. My friend uses one of these on his Mazda3!
Super highly recommend the Air frame I've purchased 3 now all still work great (for myself, dad, and a friend).
I'm very satisfied with this phone mount: link