I know this thread is really old, but I remember those too, specifically Halloween, I know the orange ones, I think there was also a grape, but that I am not sure on. One of the few things I remember every few years and can find little to no evidence of it's existence.
But I think I realized something after a while. I think that maybe they weren't made by CRUSH and we just all kind of assumed it? There are literally no pictures and the company themselves deny that it existed from their end. I think it was another company that made them. I found a fizzy lollipop company that still sells that's Canadian. https://www.amazon.ca/Soda-Pops-Fizzy-Lollypops-Cherry/dp/B07PVWGZ1N Might not of been those exactly, but I wonder if it was something similar to that. Perhaps it was on sale every Halloween and became a common treat to hand out due to lower price?
It's the only explanation I can think, besides Nelson Mandela effect and we all just thought this thing existed.
That said, fizzy lollipops are bomb.