Kershaw makes a terrific folding trainer in your price range.
> They are waved and mimic the much more expensive Emerson Training knives nicely. > Generally we round the tips off with a grinder a bit more for safety. This is almost identical to my carry knife.
Thanks for recommending these. I picked one up and it's great!
Just out of curiosity, I see that this mirrors your EDC. What model are you carrying?
To all the comments about sofa damage: This is what is known as a "trainer" knife. Here's one on Amazon: Kershaw Trainer
Original post: am·bi·dex·trous
Author: SavinPilotCryan Body: Ok cool trick. Now go buy me a new sofa please.
Author: blaow666 Body: it appears that the sofa is knife proof?
Author: Tcloud Body: The new Kevlar sofa. Perfect for using a cushion as a shield during knife fights and ducking for cover under a spray of bullets.
Author: CheeseWarrior17 Body: "Cool. Can you not stab holes in my couch tho?"
Author: heywheresthepud Body: Today, on Project Badass...
Author: Baron_Von_Awesome Body: Charlie, when it was your day did I complain about searching for goblins for 10 hours straight?
Author: PooPooDooDoo Body: Producers: “ok, we want you to grimace a bunch, do you have a leather jacket of some kind?”
Author: the_turn Body: Hope she doesn’t take that to gunfights.
Author: warriormoose89 Body: Hard to cut someone with a training knife!!! That being said I’d take a knife to a close range fight.
Author: GreenStrong Body: "Never bring a sofa with holes in it to a gunfight."
Author: StillJustMike Body: That poor couch...
Author: ThatOneChiGuy Body: It had it coming..
Author: warriormoose89 Body: Be way more impressive if it wasn’t a training knife!!!!
Author: ThePreybird Body: Edgy
Author: SweetzDeetz Body: Okay then?
Author: Khazahk Body: The key is to strike back when she flips it up in the air and catches it behind her back.
Author: salami_cheese Body: Am bi too
Author: iheartschlitz Body: To all the comments about sofa damage: This is what is known as a "trainer" knife. Here's one on Amazon: Kershaw Trainer
Author: reginof99 Body: Nice way to destroy your sofa
Author: cpured Body: Why is she stabbing her couch?
Author: zsteezy Body: It stole her pocket change.
Author: myfotos Body: Stole her coins
Author: thegrease Body: That poor couch...
Author: Mechanicalmind Body: Very cool, but...You really shouldn't hold a knife like that, if you're going for a reverse stance (with blade on your pinky side). You keep your thumb on the knife's butt. Because if you go stab stab on something or someone, you hit something harder than flesh (say, a rib or another bone) and your thumb ain't there, your trip is going to slip (also because of blood), and your fingers are going to get slit open by your very knife.
Author: kukaogo Body: Here's my wallet. Please don't hurt me! And if you must, please be gentle!