Kettlebell training goes very well with martial arts as it builds strength endurance while emphasizing proper bracing and mobility. I'd recommend looking into Pavel's Simple and Sinister program.
I'm reading simple and sinister right now. It's one of the 3 core stretches done before swings/tgus. It's just usually not done with the kb on your pelvis though, and his form is shitty. I could see why he's doing it, you want to push as hard as possible while maintaining your core/keeping knees together for a couple seconds.
Have you tried looking at the stickied beginners post? Lots of good information there.
Most people here might recommend Simple and Sinister (get the ebook for a few quid on Amazon). It is 2 excercises, 20-30 minutes workouts, full body movements that will improve your General Physical Preparedness (GPP). There is also very clear progression through weights. Do that for 6-12 months to build yourself up and ground yourself in the fundamentals. By then you'll know enough to decide if you want to stick with Hardstyle or switch to Competition/Sport style.
Based on your limitations, I'll recommend kettlebell training. Start with Simple and Sinister
Keep the bell, but don't use it yet! Get a 16kg (max) bell to start and check out Pavel Tsatsouline's or Gray Cook and Brett Jone's stuff on kettlebell training. Having that beast staring at you from the corner everyday will pump you up! You may also want to check out the Rocky IV Motion Picture Soundtrack for additional motivation.