If you are dehumidifying a large space, I want to point out that there's a big thing it seems a lot of people overlook. There are dehumidifiers larger than 70 pint and they are WAY more efficient at removing moisture than the smaller ones; I bought this Keystone 95 pint for about a hundred dollars more than the highly-rated Frigidaire 70 pint. However, for every kWh the Keystone removes 2.8 L of water while the Frigidaire only removes 1.85 which means it takes about 50% more electricity to remove the same amount of moisture. With how often mine runs, it paid for itself within the first year. It also includes a pump, if you need that.
You can find the same model under Whynter, Impecca or Danby too. I'm pretty sure they're all the same model but relabeled, because there's only one or two companies that ACTUALLY make all the dehumidifiers we buy. It's just strange that for something that sucks so much energy, spending 33% less energy overall isn't something more advertised.