Guess you should have tried Amazon, guy. I mean, you could always just use a black dress too. It's not exactly a complicated look to put together, you know?
>So I posted your wonderful response on FB to all our friends
Did you include your shoddily written and curse laden response, or don't you want everyone to see what a frothy mouthed maniac you truly are?
>Gosh I sure feel bad for those Arab children under your care.
Huh? What makes you think I work with children?
>You write great condescending sentences which serve no purpose other than treating others like children while making yourself feeling superior.
You write great, condescending sentences, which serve no purpose other than to treat people like children, while making yourself feel superior.
>Please do not send your white expat ass to Asia and potentially ruining the childhood of my friends.
Oh dear, you do realize that the Middle East is part of Asia, right? Are you just some dim Otaku type that thinks Asia starts in Japan and ends in China? Yeesh. Anyway, it's too late, as I have already lived throughout Asia for nearly a decade. Also, why do I have to be white? Oh, and you're friends with all of the Asians? Wow, that's a lot of friends.
Are we done here yet, chuckles? I think we're done here.