Although this is a good deal, it would be best to shop around.
Example: Amazon has KH3 for $19.99, $25 dollars cheaper.
wow this tweet blew up. please check out my soundcloud!
my soundcloud
Amazon-sama says Kingdom Hearts 3 will be released in December 29, 2017 but there is the possibility that it will be pushed to 2018 because they might not make it to the deadline.
Another placeholder. Amazon does that too when the release date is unknown. Seems you don't know how online ordering works.
Kingdom Hearts III - PlayStation 4 está en 256 pesos
posted by @mx_videojuegos
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Kingdom Hearts III - PlayStation 4 está en 271 pesos
posted by @mx_videojuegos
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Deal link: Amazon
Kingdom Hearts III - PlayStation 4 está en 257 pesos
posted by @mx_videojuegos
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Kingdom Hearts III - PlayStation 4 está en 257 pesos
posted by @mx_videojuegos
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Title: Kingdom Hearts III - PlayStation 4
Category: Video Games
Price: $9.99 (76% OFF)
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Kingdom Hearts III - PlayStation 4
Dawn till dusk
other stores do this as well
Over the years I've noticed any SE game coming out will have a release date for on or around Dec 31st until officially announced. Kingdom Hearts 3 and the FF7 Remake are slated for the 31st, while FFXV is for the 30th. You know that's not going to happen.
When Amazon first put up the product pages for KH3 they also said Dec 31. But 2015 instead.
Oh god, Kingdom hearts, havent played that since the PS2 era. I would LOVE to have another kingdom hearts, hell, id even take the older games or hd remixes on PS NOW.
EDIT: There is a kingdom hearts 3 coming to next gen consoles.
The Squeenix boxes on Amazon look similar
December of 2015 at the latest:
I've been told Amazon won't put it up for pre-order unless it's going to be released that year.