I'm not aware of a decent headset below 100. I'd suggest you check Carrefour, Sharaf DG maybe they have stuff between 70 to 100 AED. Otherwise used market is your best bet.
But I can recommend this . I know it's slightly above your budget, but its really amazing for the price, and I care alot about the sound quality, it has a good bass as well. Been using it for maybe 3 years now.
I need a good pair of wireless headphones (with a dongle) for around £80/$100 That will be primarily used for gaming
Budget: Around £80
Source: Gaming pc
Isolation: Don't really mind although would be nice to have some
Preferred type: Full size
Tonal balance: I guess balanced I'm very new to audio stuff
Music: Don't really listen to it much so doesn't really matter a lot
Past headphones: I've only ever had these Hyperx cloud stingers and I really like the shape of the ear cups
Location: UK
I'm pretty sure this is the headset
Got it a couple of years ago. OBS is the only thing I've experienced this issue with and I've tried it; without any filters at all, with just noise suppression, just gain and just compressor all without showing any improvements.
Something like the HyperX Cloud Stinger perhaps?
Generally reviewed positively and fits your budget
Regarding the comfort of the DT 770 I'll tell you that. The silver earpads did last me for less than a year, so much shorter than earpads in any other headphones I owned so far. A new set of earpads is £18 - £20 on Amazon. And I still think it is a great deal. They are so soft that they flatten over time much quicker but also they cushion your ears really well and even they wrap themselves precisely over the glasses creating kinda tunnels. For me they feel pretty much weightless when I'm wearing them. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOijylpB4AIcmaGr_Yjj1RYzuHraULVERhjIF4dozR-_ges_5tuk51lE-XKG8-cgQ?key=R1lCSkhHQmhCVmF6M09LSC0wSlNQdjFmQUktSHpR
Gamerzzzz Headsetzzz 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 – that's all I have to say about most these. One of the few exceptions would be these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01LRX2DSA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 They offer decent sound, decent microphone and they are £40.
No problems with the Antlion magnet. I was worrying that it would be interfering somehow with the magnets in the headphones but it looks like it's not the case.
Hyperx Clouds stinger is a phenomenal headset for its price have had it for a year and its blown me away how good it is for the value.
Its on offer atm on Amazon!
Update: Heres a few reviews from some respected youtubers:
I was looking at these actually, the HyperX Stinger as more of a less expensive alternative.