Other Large Prints
There are also other kinds of large print Bibles out there, which you may be interested in.
Large Print Personal Size (a bit smaller footprint than the thinlines, but also thicker). These have references.
Regular Large Print
https://www.christianbook.com/esv-print-bible-imitation-leather-black/9781433551789/pd/551780?product_redirect=1&Ntt=9781433551789&item_code=&Ntk=keywords&event=ESRCG (I linked here also so you can see pictures)
Wide Margin Bibles
Some Bibles also have extra, blank margin space for taking notes.
ESV If you're looking into an ESV, I'd heartily recommend their large print wide margin: https://www.amazon.com/Margin-TruTone-Cordovan-Portfolio-Design/dp/1433562456/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=esv+large+print+wide+margin&qid=1586023555&sr=8-1
It has an 11 point font and 1" of blank space around the outside for you to write small notes.
NASB If you're looking into a NASB, there's two options you can look at. First is kind of pricey though.
KJV If you're looking into a KJV, here's an inexpensive wide margin edition. It's a really big Bible, however. (I linked to Christianbook as it's crazy expensive on Amazon).
Imitation Leather, Brown: https://www.christianbook.com/kjv-margin-bible-imitation-leather-brown/9781619700888/pd/700888?event=ESRCG
Bonded Leather, Black: https://www.christianbook.com/kjv-margin-bible-bonded-leather-black/9781619700871/pd/700871?event=ESRCG
Also, if you write in your Bible, you may want to consider Pigma Micron pens. They have tiny nibs, don't (there are rare exceptions) bleed through the page, and last a while.
Pigma Micron 05 - This is more like a normal pen to a bit finer, depending on the color (e.g. purple writes bolder than green).
Pigma Micron 01 - Very small point.
Pigma Micron 005 - Really small point.
Hopefully this gives you some pointers for choosing a Bible. Feel free to ask me any more questions!