Powdered gelatin is what the name suggests ��, the brand that i use is knox Knox Original Unflavored Gelatine Dessert Mix (32 Packets) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007Y3HM5C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_8mgDDbXH73PA8
I really would suggest to use a frozen cake because the glaze is warm-ish when you pour it and if you use just a refrigerated cake there's a huge chance of it melting with the glaze. ��
That's flavored gelatin that you prepare by adding water and chilling and eat as a dessert (sometimes it's used in a recipe, but its main purpose isn't for use in a recipe). Modern Jello and similar brands still come in a 3-ounce box.
Unless the OP's recipe is something that one would expect might contain flavored gelatin, I think they're more likely to be looking for unflavored granulated gelatin meant to be used in recipes. In my experience, this form of gelatin comes packaged like this and comes in 0.25-ounce packets, and you would typically only use one or two packets in a recipe. So, I think they're asking if this kind of gelatin used to come in some form of box.
I have seen recipes for things like poke cakes that call for flavored gelatin, though (you bake a cake, make holes in it with a skewer, mix Jello powder with water, pour over cake, chill, and you have Jello-impregnated cake, which apparently some people enjoy).
OP, what sort of recipe is it?
When they are referring to "Unflavored Gelatin" typically they are referring to the Knox product below. Without the unflavored gelatin to harden up your candies, they will simply be like normal Jello.
If the jars are sealed then just store until you wish to use one. Open and add some Knox Unflavored Gelatin to the jar. Put in the fridge until set. Repeat if still too thin. Not elegant but works.
Hey no problem. Curious to see if it helps. If you're looking for less sugary solutions, apparently you can get flavorless pure gelatin packets like this from Amazon or Walmart if you've got one local. Probably in the desert or baking sections.
is this what we call gelatin in the US? https://www.amazon.com/Knox-Unflavored-Gelatin-Dessert-Individual/dp/B007Y3HM5C or https://img.thrfun.com/img/085/409/gelatin_x1.jpg ?
These are 10mg pouches. Pretty consistent amount of sugar. They're what I use. Something like budder is rough since it's fat and we're working with water-based products.
You can get this stuff at just about any grocery store.
Something like this to get some flavor in it.
You're gonna use a LOT of Knox. Like probably 2 pouches for 2-3 cups of water. That shit is cheap so experiment with just it and water to find what you're looking for.
Once you're ready to roll, follow the directions on the Knox. Probably 'stick cold water in pan, sprinkle in knox til it blooms, heat til it melts' - at that point you add your other ingredients and put em into your molds.
This amount of gelatin will clear up about 100 batches:
Well you're in luck! Here you go.
I just use the basic Knox brand. I imagine it would be available at the store as well: