You got this! I used the new wax less gaskets and had septic smell. Needed to replace it with a wax gasket Double the work, but now I don’t have septic smell. In hindsight, I will only use a wax gasket. To empty the toilet, I bought a siphon pump and just pumped the water out of the tank and bowl. Something like this:
As for the oil pump, this is a much smaller version of what I used but it'll do the same job. The important thing if you're going to pump the oil out, though, is that you need to measure how much you pump out. That's how much you need to put back in. My pump had a canister with markings so I could see how much I took out, you might want to find a jug or something, mark the jug after pumping out the old oil, and then pour the new oil into that jug up to your mark. Do this once for each fork obviously.
get a hand pump from the auto parts store and suck it outta there. Something like this:\_1\_3?dchild=1&keywords=hand+fuel+pump&qid=1632345967&s=automotive&sr=1-3
Siphon it from other cars with this
If you think you're going to finish the keg you could always just use a hand pump. They sell them at HD or Harbor Freight for a couple bucks. You'd just have to worry about oxidation if you leave the O2 on the beer if you don't finish it.
I do this to push sanitizer through so I don't waste CO2.
This was $5 at harbor freight: Koehler Enterprises RA990 Multi-Use Siphon Fuel Transfer Pump Kit (for Gas Oil and Liquids)
There are oil change pumps with which you can suck out the old oil.
Me pa always told me, if you find yourself in a gold rush, best to be the man selling pickaxes.
Hand pumps are pretty inexpensive and readily available.\_1\_5?keywords=gas+siphon+pump&qid=1659561882&sprefix=gas+sip%2Caps%2C236&sr=8-5
If you want to go fancy, this on works pretty well:
the trick is to have the waterrower standin up on end and have the tube as deep in the center as possible.
if you just basically want to replace wat came with the WaterRower, these will work:
Depending where you are, you would get them as early as Tuesday.
Hope this helps!
Idk what everybody's complaining about...invest in your future.
That did not have the best reviews, but yeah, that is similar. Here is another option.
It's a water jug, not a jet fighter. How hard can filling it up be? What kind of question is this?
Maybe you're thinking about filling them up at the last minute before an emergency? If that's the case I'll say don't do that. Fill them both up now using whatever reasonable means you have at your disposal and maybe alternate emptying one out (either use it all up or dump it) and refilling it every month so you have a nice fresh backup supply if you need it.
Plain non-perfumed Clorox is great for disinfecting and preserving water. While eight drops per gallon is prescribed, I'll assume you get your water from an already clean municipal source. In that case, maybe just put 10 drops in your filled jug before putting it away.
If your concern is filling it up quickly in the field, in a hostile environment, and from a shallow water source I'll recommend something like this to include in your kit.
Otherwise... I don't know... this question is kinda...