hello, thank you for the advice and i have researched better options for Charlie and i think https://www.amazon.com/Koller-Products-Panaview-5-Gallon-Aquarium/dp/B00KIRR8BY/ref=nav_ya_signin?keywords=5+gallon+fish+tank&qid=1566959690&s=gateway&sr=8-3& this might work, please let me know if this is ok
This is the one I was gifted. It’s not the best but not the worse. I’ve had it for a year and the filter still works fine. Heater is separate. I’m sure there’s better kits out there but it works for now.
Petco price match their online sales. Gravel substrate, water conditioner, tanks, decor, etc can be price matched. I have two java ferns and driftwood with Anubis(super easy plants) in my tank with silk flowers. Silk flowers are better for their fins than plastic flowers. I got everything at petco. Lots of fellow betta owners recommend not purchasing plants from petco or big box pet store but it’s what I have nearby. There’s way better plants online. I match the gravel substrate 1 gallon= 1 pound.
Koller Products PanaView 5-Gallon Aquarium Kit - Power Filter - LED Lighting with Multiple Colors https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KIRR8BY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_0ZHQZ01YWKXNH01VAFWK
Hey guys, so this is my new fish friend Carrie Fisher. Right now she's in a vase that's about a 2 gal capacity. I know this isn't big enough for her as she's a very active fish. Is this tank on Amazon appropriate? Should I trust the built in filter?
I bought a 5.5 gallon on amazon from Koller products. It has some unusual dimensions. Just posting in case it works for you, it had everything but the heater.
Koller Products Panaview 5-Gallon Aquarium Kit with LED Lighting and Power Filter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KIRR8BY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_fnYICbQ5W6ZD5
Check FB Marketplace, Nextdoor and Craigslist. Often I see people selling tanks AND the accompanying supplies and decor for cheap... and you can pick it up in person instead of waiting for shipping.
If you'd prefer online, Amazon has this 5 gallon acrylic tank for under just over $35: https://www.amazon.com/Koller-Products-Panaview-5-Gallon-Aquarium/dp/B00KIRR8BY/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?keywords=5+gallon+acrylic+aquarium&qid=1568651263&sprefix=5+gallon+acry&sr=8-4
Cool. I decided to get a 5 Gallon and the heater you suggested. Picked up the kit also. Should be in around Thursday. Thanks again. I'll try to add some pics once I get home.
Your fish does has very, very bad fin rot.
Don't panic - it's not the end of the world and it can be reversed! Here's my bettas fin rot before and after.
When I purchased my first betta I knew nothing about caring for them either and I found out all I knew by asking the same exact question on this subreddit as you: does my fish have fin rot? I suspected mine was very bad as well. This is going to take time and commitment and I'm going to write you a very long wall of text here. Even though I knew nothing about fish I'm really caring and knew something was wrong so naturally I was worried about my little guy and wanted to do all I could to make him happy. I was just misinformed was all. Redditors helped me learned about bettas and reverse my fin rot so let me help you out too because I was there once. Here is how I reversed mine:
Weekly 25% changes (example: If you have a 20 gallon take 5 gallons out, 10 gallon take 2.5 gallons out, and if you have a 5 gallon tank 1.25 gallons out). I went and bought a plastic pitcher like this that said it holds 1 gallon and that's what I use to take the water out for my water changes. It makes it so easy because I can then just count how many gallons of water I've already taken out while doing the water change.
Have you got a water conditioner? I personally wasn't using one when I did very rarely give him water changes so I purchased this API Stress Coat and it works super well.
I 100% believe had I not used this Aquarium Salt while doing my betta's water changes I do not think he would be here today even if I did everything else correctly. I praise this stuff, this is definitely what you need to get rid of your fishes fin rot for sure. This stuff will do it, works really well and I credit it for me having a healthy betta. You only need very little (read directions), for my 20g I only need 1 tablespoon so I doubt you'll need much. I put it in a bowl, mix it up until it dissolves, and add it in the gallon jug while I'm adding in the conditioner before I pour the jug of water into the tank. I do it slowly, add bit by bit in as I'm pouring the 5g's of new fresh water back into the tank. Recap: after I'm done pouring out the 5g's water when I'm filling water in the jug to pour back in I put some aquarium salt + the conditioner in and then I pour the water back into the tank. Got it? You might be able to just pour it all in at once if you have a small 5g tank or so which is fine.
In your comment you said bowl. I had a bowl too, and my fish looked just like yours. Pet stores typically feed you the wrong information and tell you that your betta is supposed to live in a bowl but that's not right. A happy, healthy betta should AT LEAST live in a 5 gallon tank and yours is living in a 1 gallon bowl. If you genuinely care and want your bettas fin rot to get better then you need to get him a bigger tank otherwise this will all be for nothing. The only reason I went ahead and got a 20g instead of a 5g is because Petco had this sale going on where it was a dollar per gallon so I got a super cheap huge tank for him.
With the tank you'll also need to purchase a filter if it already doesn't come with one.
A heater is very important and you must get one. Bettas like warmer water, set the heater 78°F (or 25°C, whichever one you use).
My tank was dirty for years and I didn't know it because I was just chugging my gallon in the water and taking it out and not cleaning the actual gravel bit. When you do water changes you have to use a gravel vacuum or else again, all this will be absolutely pointless. It didn't take me too long, after a year of damage not cleaning the gravel it took me a month and a half or so to get my tank clear and gravel clean. I didn't obsess over it because after a water change all (A LOT) the dirt and poop flows in the water before it sets on the gravel again but I knew eventually I would get it all with my weekly changes. You absolutely need to get one and use it for your water changes instead of just scooping surface water because that does nothing.
Side note is to feed your betta only 2 pellets a day and no more or less, seems like you may be feeding him too much (bloated) but maybe it's just the picture.
Okay so I bet you didn't know betta fish were going to be expensive in the beginning, and they require this much effort. I didn't either. I simply thought they were a pretty decoration to put in my room and be my buddy. It's an investment but it's worth it. After the initial tank, heater, filter, aquarium salt, and conditioner you shouldn't need to buy a thing for another 6+ months. I still have his food from over 2 years ago when I first bought him and I go through aquarium salt and conditioner every 6 months or so since you only need so little of it. It'll probably last you longer with a 5g like every 8 months or so. It's a very expensive hobby at first but then it's smooth sailing from there pretty much! The water changes can be pretty annoying but you just have to do them. I set an alarm on my phone for every 12 in the afternoon on Sundays it'll beep and tell me to do his water change. I suggest you do that or else you won't remember like me lol.
I hope this helps! I literally asked the same exact question, so worried and clueless about bettas and wondering what I can do to make my little guy happy. Looking back I had no clue how close to death he probably was, and that's unfortunate I made him go through that. He's so awesome and I'm glad I could do everything for him because he's the best little guy ever. It was worth it! I'm now attached and totally understand it all. Good luck, post updates! If you have any more questions I'll help you the best that I can. :)
Cart subtotal (7 items): $98.52 (which believe me is super cheap and nothing to whine over! I went to Petco, bought the same exact items and somehow ended up spending over 200$???)
I personally have everything there but the tank which seems like a really nice, inexpensive tank that I'd go for. The only negative reviews seem to be that the light burns out quickly or whatever but heck for a 30 something dollar bargain tank I would take the shitty light. Besides, those people purchased it probably because they saw the tank says it has cool rainbow lighting or whatever and that's why it's 3 stars of disappointment. By the way, I repurchase both the salt and conditioner on amazon as it's cheaper for me to buy online. The only expensive thing I recommended you was the heater. I had a very cheap petco heater (this one to be exact) and read the comments, they are not good. Apparently at some point in time that heater will most likely malfunction and will basically burn your fish alive. Super awful reviews on it and many fish were killed from it. After reading that I purchased a heater that even if it does malfunction the water won't mess with it and cook my fish (shock resistant). So I do highly recommend getting that heater and spending the extra 10 dollars.
If you can manage a little over $35 I'd recommend this tank from Amazon. After that some nice aquatic plants like an Amazon sword or Anubias, bettas love broad leaves, and a heater. Finnley will be the happiest guy in town.
Honestly, that tank you're looking at is still super small, and I really wouldn't recommend it for a betta (or any fish) long-term. Minimum tank size is 5 gallons, with larger always being preferable when possible. It's really dumb and unfortunate that they even sell "fish tanks" as small as the one you linked, because they're really not appropriate for fish at all. But the market is pretty much completely unregulated, so here we are.
I'd recommend buying a tank in-store or used, that'll be normally cheaper than the ones available online. If you're in the US, then Pet Co, Pet Smart, and Pet Supplies Plus all sell plain 10 gallon tanks for like $13-14 (5 gallon tanks are around the same price). Or at low at $10 during the dollar-per-gallon sales. 5 gallon tanks are usually around the same $13-14 price range, but don't apply to the sale.
Walmart also sells a 10 gallon aquarium kit for $30, including light and filter. You'll need to baffle the filter though with a sponge or something, the intakes on internal filters can be too strong for bettas sometimes.
If you're set on ordering off Amazon, this 5 gallon is only $30
I say ditch the air pump and just get a filter. You can always visit the betta care sheet that's stickied on the front page or alternatively I wrote this out for someone else a while ago that I find applicable here:
Weekly 25% changes (example: If you have a 20 gallon take 5 gallons out, 10 gallon take 2.5 gallons out, and if you have a 5 gallon tank 1.25 gallons out). I went and bought a plastic pitcher like this that said it holds 1 gallon and that's what I use to take the water out for my water changes.
Have you got a water conditioner? I purchase this API Stress Coat and it works super well.
I add a tablespoon (you'd need less) of this Aquarium Salt while doing my betta's water changes every week and I 100% credit this stuff completely and whole heatedly as to why he was so healthy.
With the tank you'll also need to purchase a filter if it already doesn't come with one.
A heater is very important and you must get one. Bettas like warmer water, set the heater 78°F (or 25°C, whichever one you use).
My tank was dirty for years and I didn't know it because I was just chugging my gallon in the water and taking it out and not cleaning the actual gravel bit. When you do water changes you have to use a gravel vacuum or all this will be absolutely pointless. It didn't take me too long, after a year of damage not cleaning the gravel it took me a month and a half or so to get my tank clear and gravel clean. I didn't obsess over it because after a water change all (A LOT) the dirt and poop flows in the water before it sets on the gravel again but I knew eventually I would get it all with my weekly changes. You absolutely need to get one and use it for your water changes instead of just scooping surface water because that does nothing.
Cart subtotal (7 items): Usually around $100 give or take $10 (which believe me is super cheap and nothing to whine over! I went to Petco, bought the same exact items and somehow ended up spending over 200$ in store???)
I personally have everything there but the tank which seems like a really nice, inexpensive tank that I'd go for. I repurchase both the salt and conditioner on amazon as it's cheaper for me to buy online. The only expensive thing I recommended you was the heater. I had a very cheap petco heater (this one to be exact) and read the reviews, they are not good. Apparently at some point in time that heater will most likely malfunction and will basically burn your fish alive. Super awful reviews on it and many fish were killed from it. After reading that I purchased a heater that even if it does malfunction the water won't mess with it and cook my fish (shock resistant). So I do highly recommend getting that heater and spending the extra 10 dollars.
I was thinking this tank
but I'm going to replace the filter with this 3 gallon one since it's slower.
I have my betta fish in a 1/5 gallon container right now that I keep spik and span, but for Christmas, I am planning to buy a 5-gallon tank from Amazon. I feel bad for my little dude, but I can't put him in my 1-gallon bowl because it has been infected with ick! Here is the link to the tank I'll get in case anyone wants to look at it. I need to get him a bigger tank before then, though.
Are you able to upgrade your beautiful betta into an actual tank? Unfortunately he will not be happy/survive in a bowl without a filter and heater and where you're just learning and starting out there's so much you can do for him to make him so happy and healthy!
He really needs some of the proper gear that bettas require and you can simply get this stuff from your pet store or even Amazon. Most tanks come with a filter so that's a plus.
Here are some tanks on Amazon or your pet store should have similar ones. 5 gallons is suggested as the minimum, but even 3 gallons would be a lot better!
Amazon -
PetSmart - comes with a filter which you could change out for your own filter media if you want
^ I think this is a perfect tank and it's hughly reccomended throughout the community
Amazon -
You seriously need to get a proper tank with a heater and a filter! Here are some amazing options!! If you have a PetSmart near you, these can be picked up there for around $50 CAD at most - most of them being around $40 or you can order off Amazon!
Your fish is suffering and it's probably due to the quality of life. It's such a simple fix even if you can at least a 3 gallon tank with a proper heater and filter this will change tremendously :) like I said you can get a tank for $40 CAD and a mini heater for $10.
PetSmart - I would probably go with one of these just because I really like the TopFin tanks and it's a brand name that is known through PetSmart and has a good rep from what I've seen and in my own personal experience as I have a TopFin tank. Good filter it comes with, nice design, durable, etc.
^ which #4 is the best TopFin tank so if going with PetSmart and Topfin I would say #4
Amazon -
^ Overall I would say the best one is the last one from Amazon: Aqueon 5 gallon. Larger gallons yet takes up less room due to the shape!
So here are some tanks I found that would be perfect meeting your width requirement.
PetSmart - I would probably go with one of these just because I really like the TopFin tanks and it's a brand name that is known through PetSmart and has a good rep from what I've seen and in my own personal experience as I have a TopFin tank. Good filter it comes with (which you can change out for your own filter media or use what it comes with), nice design, durable, etc.
Amazon -
^ Overall I would say the best one is the last one from Amazon: Aqueon 5 gallon. Larger gallons yet takes up less room due to the shape!
I'm not gonna overflood you lol so I'd say any of those would be just right. After all my research, those were the best amoung the bunch I could find!
So here are some tanks I found that would be perfect meeting your width requirement.
PetSmart - I would probably go with one of these just because I really like the TopFin tanks and it's a brand name that is known through PetSmart and has a good rep from what I've seen and in my own personal experience as I have a TopFin tank. Good filter it comes with (which you can change out for your own filter media or use what it comes with), nice design, durable, etc.
https://www.petsmart.com/fish/tanks-aquariums-and-nets/top-fin-engageandtrade-5-gallon-aquarium-54158.html?cgid=300207 ^ I personally think #2 is the best one!
Amazon -
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0743K2RRQ/ref=twister_B07KWYD47S?_encoding=UTF8&th=1 ^ This one is defiantly better of the two Amazon ones
I'm not gonna overflood you lol so I'd say any of those would be just right. After all my research, those were the best amoung the bunch I could find!
This is the case: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KIRR8BY/?coliid=I8UKVXQXTALRP&colid=1ACVEE7AZ1YGO&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
And this was the oil I used: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00VNI1JI0/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1527816191&sr=1&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=6840225482829252734&pd_rd_wg=JBdCv&pf_rd_r=ASVC4FKXXRAMFC3JSGC7&pf_rd_s=mobile-sx-top-slot&pf_...
So, you're new? Welcome! We all had to start from somewhere, here's some information. :)
Weekly 25% changes (example: If you have a 20 gallon take 5 gallons out, 10 gallon take 2.5 gallons out, and if you have a 5 gallon tank 1.25 gallons out). I went and bought a plastic pitcher like this that said it holds 1 gallon and that's what I use to take the water out for my water changes.
Have you got a water conditioner? I purchase this API Stress Coat and it works super well.
I 100% believe in this Aquarium Salt while doing my betta's water changes. I praise this stuff, this is definitely what you need to put in your tank and keep him healthy.
Your tank you ordered is way too small. I'm not sure why you ordered such a small tank and I recommend returning it for a new one but pet stores typically feed you the wrong information and tell you that a betta is supposed to live in a bowl but that's not right. A happy, healthy betta should AT LEAST live in a 5 gallon tank and yours is going to be living in a 1.5 gallon square thing. If you genuinely care and want your betta happy and live a long life then you need to get him a bigger tank otherwise this will all be for nothing.
With the tank you'll also need to purchase a filter if it already doesn't come with one (the one I've suggested linked below does, though).
A heater is very important and you must get one. Bettas like warmer water, set the heater 78°F (or 25°C, whichever one you use).
My tank was dirty for years and I didn't know it because I was just chugging my gallon in the water and taking it out and not cleaning the actual gravel bit. When you do water changes you have to use a gravel vacuum or else again, all this will be absolutely pointless. You absolutely need to get one and use it for your water changes instead of just scooping surface water because that does nothing.
Okay so I bet you didn't know betta fish were going to be expensive in the beginning, and they require this much effort. I didn't either. I simply thought they were a pretty decoration to put in my room and be my buddy. It's an investment but it's worth it. After the initial tank, heater, filter, aquarium salt, and conditioner you shouldn't need to buy a thing for another 6-8+ months. I still have food from over 2 years ago when I first bought mine and I go through aquarium salt and conditioner every 8 months or so since you only need so little of it, and I'm in a 20g not a 5g so yours will last a very long time. It's a very expensive hobby at first but then it's smooth sailing from there pretty much! The water changes can be pretty annoying but you just have to do them. I set an alarm on my phone for every 12 in the afternoon on Sundays it'll beep and tell me to do his water change. I suggest you do that or else you won't remember like me lol.
I hope this helps! It's worth it! Seeing your little fishy swim up to you all the time and happy to see you is super cute. Good luck, post updates! If you have any more questions I'll help you the best that I can. :)
Decoration just plants, but I do also recommend finding something he can hide in, that'll most likely be his favorite spot.
Cart subtotal (8 items): $98.75 (which believe me is super cheap and nothing to whine over! I went to Petco, bought the same exact items and somehow ended up spending over 250$???)
I personally have everything there but the tank which seems like a really nice, inexpensive tank that I'd go for. I repurchase both the salt and conditioner on amazon as it's cheaper for me to buy online. The only expensive thing I recommended you was the heater. I had a very cheap petco heater (this one to be exact) and read the comments, they are not good. Apparently at some point in time that heater will most likely malfunction and will basically burn your fish alive. Super awful reviews on it and many fish were killed from it. After reading that I purchased a heater that even if it does malfunction the water won't mess with it and cook my fish (shock resistant). So I do highly recommend getting that filter and spending the extra 10 dollars.
I recently picked this tank up. 5 gallon for $25 bucks. Comes with a filter as well. I also got a bag of these stones/gravel/whatever you wanna call them, and a heater. All coming in well under 50 with shipping. So far Sir Fishy fishington of Fishville is digging his new home after being confined to a betta cube for a few weeks. Here's some pictures of the tank/Sir Fishy