Available for free on Amazon Canada too!
Down there is the link for the book "Korean short stories for beginners", from Lingo Mastery, on Amazon! You can get it (I think it's still there for free) and read it on the Kindle app on your phone! It's really easy, and the material is awesome! They have in this book 20 short stories. Each story is first full in Korean, then they break the story in paragraphs and put the English translation beneath each paragraph, then they have the summary of the story in korean and then in English, then they have a list with the vocabulary from the story, and finally a few questions to see if you understood the story with the answers right after it. I really like it and you can see they put a lot of thought on the development of this book. I recommend it a lot
Also free on Amazon.ca.
Thanks for the recommendation. Looks like it's available for free on Amazon UK as well.