If you got results with this, you might find Kriya Yoga to be of interest. The book I linked to has a ton of woo in it, but if you can look past that, the exercise you mentioned is like lesson 5 or 6 in the book out of 30+, so who knows how crazy that shit gets :) I've never had any luck with it myself, and wondered if the white light was actually a thing. But hey... if it works, it works.
You don't need to "be sleepy" to travel... that's why Meditation exists.
Sitting still when you're not extremely tired is Meditation... though, there's more to the art of Meditation than simply that.
You are literally trying to leave this reality when AP... so any distractions from this realm will only do just that, distract you.
You might be interested in learning a deep Meditation craft, as opposed to trying AP from bed... it's a practice worth learning, helps thru your entire Life... check this book out, it's everything you need:
Modern AP assumes the bedtime / sleep paralysis method of travel... but the original form of travel has always been through Meditation, for thousands of years now.
Study up on Mysticism, Hinduism, Zen, Alchemy, etc... they are the original source of AP knowledge.
You can use Meditation to revisit.
When you have a tough emotional issue, or just a long day... sit quietly and clear your mind... or deeply contemplate the situation, ask yourself why it went the way it did, why you responded the way you did, what is The Universe trying to teach you through that experience.
Meditation is the therapy aspect of psychedelics... it always has been.
Psychedelics are the brute force version, which is why you don't remember as much of the experience...
Storming the Gates of Heaven doesn't make you a VIP, it makes you an intruder.
You get what you came for, but you don't get to keep it... if you want to keep it, you need to walk the slow path... you need to Live it.
Meditation is your next step from here... try this if you're interested, this is all the info you need to take serious steps down the path:
This one?
If so, how are you liking it? I wanted to order it the other day but holy cow it is expensive.
If not, which book and how are you liking it? I'm reading Autobiography for the first time and he's got me very interested in Kriya.
I was being tutored by a friend who is an Ananda Kriyaban. He was kind of breaking protocol by teaching a non-initiate. We were also drawing practices from the (sometimes controversial) book Kriya Secrets Revealed; one of the most useful tools (for me) was an appendix from that book, a pamphlet written by Paramahansa Yogananda that gave a quick and dirty description of First Kriya, simplified for a western audience.
I had very strong and positive results, including some weird stuff where I apparently zapped my wife unintentionally; when I posted about this in r/meditation, a mod from r/kriyayoga implied that such effects were not all that uncommon with certain practices (he was implying kriya), though neither of us had mentioned it by name. Eventually I just started defaulting back to vipassana, despite my good results with Kriya, because I guess that just had carved the deepest groove in my brain, and it does yield great results on its own.
Regarding dream yoga: Without getting into the content of the dreams (which were remarkable in and of themselves), I not only cured (or went a long way towards curing) a case of PTSD, it also led to absolutely stunning insights into the nature of anicca and anatta. In a “waking world” meditation, I had an experience like I was literally waking up, even though I was already awake. It was utterly surreal, yet hyperreal at the same time. I realized the dreamlike nature of life, the temporary vibratory patterns that compose our bodies and everything else, the illusion of self and of separation, the nondual unity of existence, insights into the intimately personal yet universally totalizing nature of karma. Perhaps most profound in terms of my conventional everyday experience, I was able to put my finger on the obscure root cause of my personal trauma.
Let me tell you, it was an absolutely bananas experience, verrrry trippy and mystical, and I’m certain the dream yoga accelerated my progress immensely. I fell off in my dream yoga practice, but I think it’s time I picked it back up again.
Sorry for throwing a book at you, but I hope that helps!
Looking at some of your posts and reading this it sounds like you are working through something. Here are some quick tips.
I hope this helps you on your journey - the reason I like kundalini yoga both solo and personal is because you can go to a kundalini yoga class and talk about these things with the other students and teachers who are also going through or have gone through their own version, which can be very beneficial.
Pick up this workbook and work through it - https://www.amazon.com/Kriya-Secrets-Revealed-Complete-Techniques/dp/1479109517
It's easy and step by step of exactly what you need - from there you can branch out to things like kundalini yoga, tai chi, chi gong and Franz Bardon's IIH.
I use something similar in some of my work. Ive done it as prayers as well as meditation. It kind of goes something like this.
I died last night - and nobody found my body for a week
I died last night - nobody came to my funeral
She died last night - that was the last time I ever saw her
He died last night - I wish I had told him before it was too late
They died last night - it was in the news
I was shot in the head in my sleep last night - I woke up here today in a new life ready to do it again today
My child died in their sleep last night along with me
I died last night and I woke up ready to climb out of this place
I died last night and now I can heal
I died last night and now I can bravely see the love in each moment of the gift of my existence through the lessons I've learned.
There will be a time where you can just do this yourself into each moment until you are dying into the now of each moment - it's an ancient stoic practice with a modern twist. I would also start meditating or pick up kriya yoga and get a teacher now that you are awakened and having trouble with grounding and reconciling how you infinitely are responsible for yourself in each moment and because of that you have a responsibility to infinitely love yourself and infinitely love others, the world and The All, in harmony.
If you need some grounding I currently recommend this - https://wakefulflowstate.com/2022/04/09/speed-running-spirituality-pt-1/
Reading this - https://churchofinfinitelove.com/
and maybe picking up a book like this and working through it - https://www.amazon.com/Kriya-Secrets-Revealed-Complete-Techniques/dp/1479109517
Bless you on your journey - once you can look at all the most painful experiences of your existence with love from every angle they all release. The medicine just opens you up to realizing it was you all along who had to do the work to be you - and how wonderful it is to meet someone on the path learning how to infinitely love and be themselves.
Pick up this book and just start doing step 1, it's that easy - https://www.amazon.com/Kriya-Secrets-Revealed-Complete-Techniques/dp/1479109517
Lahiri Mahasaya did not want his teachings to be limited by the problems with secret information and lineages. The secret is that there is no secret, you just do it and it works but this book is second to none both on kriya and the basics of yoga from what I have seen so far. Finish every step in this book and you will be an expert.
Try any of his videos with the word "meditation" in the title... he has lots to choose from and they're very detailed, so you will really learn what to do and why... great stuff:
An excellent companion book if you're interested in the more serious Yoga nature of Meditation, this is very insightful and easy to understand:
Meditation works.
This is a great manual for classic Kriya Yoga (Enlightenment Meditation Practice; mostly breathwork) with a story explaining the teachers personal experiences... insightful:
Pretty much everything from Actualized.org... almost everything he offers are free lectures on youtube, every one of them is incredibly well researched and methodically conveyed:
That said, if you go to his website he has a cheap product that is essentially a reviewed & rated book list of exactly the type of stuff you're asking about... once you watch a handful of his videos you will understand how well read he is, so the list is actually quite valuable if you want to cut to the chase:
I'm not affiliated with either links, but i've watched 50+ of the Actualized video lectures and felt that he's giving away sooooo much valuable, hard-earned information that i bought his products as a thank you, to help support his generosity.
Just go watch some vids, you'll see for yourself... he has every topic imaginable, even stuff that you wouldn't expect... it's really impressive and very insightful content!
Meditate; The original version of Psychedelics.
Kriya Secrets Revealed by J.C. Stevens and Hacking the Universe by Forrest Knutson are the best meditation books I read in 2018.
> I got sucked into what I perceive to be a mind control cult run by Mas Sajady and Fei Zhou. > > They manipulated me, in my opinion, to promote their new age but really satanic cult for a year.
if you want what that guy offers, do Kriya, study Zen, and learn to OBE and you'll figure it all out.
> No, your ideas and sources are what give me the grandpa vibe.
typical antifa "boomer tripe" Let call everyone we disagree with who holds different views anything we can think of to demean them. You that shit doesnt work, its just low IQ
>I'm not the one calling for revolution against the other end of the political spectrum
You are free to do so as of right now, until TPTB take out the freedom of speech soon
>when I asked you to support your claims and all you could come up with was literal fucking memes
none of those pictures are memes, ive also supplied videos and links
>which, by the way, is what makes the information less credible
Hardly, a picture is direct and to the point in an A.D.D. low attention span world
>elling you you're backwards after you share that support isn't silencing anything
Pics are 2019, straight and to the point Grandpa. Do you want the guy selling encyclopedias door to door to show you which page its
> That fact is my evidence to suggest that you're basing ideas off of those of bronze-age goat herders, because that's who wrote the fucking bible on?
Who says I get my concept of Satan from the Bible? Why not from Buddhsim?
And what's wrong with making an honest living via Goat Herding? Are you telling me I would have nothing to learn from such a person?
>The reason we usually have a consensus on what is good and evil is because we, as humans, understand what is good or bad for the wellbeing of other humans
Not everyone has this ability. People subvert societies and things that are good all the time
>Almost everyone understands this concept, which is why we're able to criticize things like god's sanctioning of slavery, genocide, genital mutilation, rape, incest, and sacrifice throughout the bible.
Yeah, Judaism sucks doesn't it. Maybe that's why so many ills come from this cult because of everything you describe above
> If that's where you derive your moral system from
Nope, I never derived my morals from the above completely. My morals come from a mish mash of intuition, integration, studies, maturation, objectivity, wisdom through life lessons, and so on, all of it changing as I get older and as I read and study more
>it's no wonder you consider the eradication of Democrats to be an acceptable solution for anything.
I dont want to eradicate democrats in any genocidal or illegal sollution. I used to be one. I do want to arrest and imprison the ones who are doing illegal, treasonous, traitorous activities inculding collusion with Ukraine, with Soros, with ChiComs, with Mossad/AIPAC and so on.
If we returned to a direct democracy with a voter ID card with hard core checks and balances, with one terms senators with no more lobbyist groups, and many other changes, then all is well. But we dont have that. Instead its a deep state marxism gangsterism that has collapsed cities like Seattle:
Or has allowed Saudi Puppets to become President:
>context of what you've already been taught, a misunderstanding of an entire doctrine, or just batshit insane.
ok, sure. None of my sources mean anything, pictures are not credible, and I'm an insane to boot, this is typical thought train of a subverting low level Satanist
>I wish you, your third eye, and whatever demons are hovering around you
lol, I sage daily so I'm all good. You guys on the other hand....thats another story. If you want to open your own third eye, here's the guide for it. Took me about 6 months:
>rational thought as evidence
Feel free to share w me what exactly I have posted that is not rational. Even w third eye, I have posted the methodology I used to open it which is repeatable