Krylon Ultra Flat Olive is supposed to be very close to Magpul ODG, depending on the furniture you’re going to use this may be your best bet.
The most important part of painting is prep. Completely remove any grease with degreaser, remove any particles of dust etc with a compressor or canned air, and have plenty of light when you spray. Doing several very light coats will always look better than one thick one.
Worst case scenario, Jasco aerosol paint remover works great and will not affect the anodizing if you want to redo it. Just spray it on, let it sit for a few minutes, scrub with a nylon brush and spray it off with a hose. Usually only needs to be repeated once or twice and you’re back to a fresh canvas
I guess so. Here's an Amazon link to the stuff I use. I have like 2 cans of each colour here.
FWIW--this is the paint I used when I did my repaint and it worked great. Khaki, black, and brown. A totally flat white as well. The camo WAS flatter than the white but the white is so sparse and not on top so it's fine--but DO get a "flat" white.
It's this