What comes to mind is a temporary car shelter/carport as a cheaper option. A better option is a garden shed if you have the funds. You could also build a bike shelter for relatively cheap. There are various YouTube videos on the topic. You could probably build a decent one with pallet wood.
Also, I recommend locking it to something very secure. I installed one of these anchors on the floor of my garage.
mount one of these in your parking space
There are few things I did when I lived in an apartment complex. Without the permission of the complex I installed one of these things along with a thick lock in a parking spot. Then I bought a motorcycle cover that hid the anchor while the bike was parked. Whenever I took the bike out I parked my car in place of the bike so that nobody would see the anchor. I know it was a dickish move but at least my bike wasn't stolen for the two years I lived there.