High end ebike rider here.
My advice is don't. Don't leave it anywhere, ebike are high value target to bike thieves. A battery angle grinder can cut any lock in seconds and they will do it in broad daylight.
If you ABSOLUTELY have to try and lock it up within eyesight and keep the time as short as possible. I use this:
Pretty HD chain but with an ebike that doesn't really matter.
Ride trashy bikes around town so if they get stolen you're not out much. For your nice bike buy an equally nice lock. I use this one and always lock it as publicly as I can.
lock picking lawyer recommends this as he uses it on his own bike i'd imagine any of the kryptonite series would be good...
Psa folks. 99% of U locks are not good enough to save your bike. As you can see you can bend them using the bike frame you need a chain lock like this one i have https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B006QN0MI0/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_8T1FYQPXJMP5JAEHM912?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
And also you want to lock it around the rear wheel or near the saddle. Not the front wheel.
That cable is cut in seconds with easily accessible tools. Get a Kryptonite Evolution Series 4. Your 1500$+ deserves at least that. I did the mistake multiple times, it won't happen ever again.
Chain locks are nice because they give you good flexibility on how to attach your bike but also makes thieve lief harder because the chain will wiggle when they starts to cut it. Also since chains are made of links, thieve have to cut them on both side (thus, taking longer)
A big cheap u-lock like that can be popped open with a jack. Smaller and thicker is what you need, or better yet a strong chain lock, if you have an expensive bike like that.
I'm not talking about a cable lock. I'm talking about a chain lock which is better than a u-lock.
Advice, buy a really good bike lock, I personally recommend this one: Kryptonite Antivol Chaîne EVOLUTION SERIES 4 1090 (10 mm x 90 cm) https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B006QN0MI0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_G4V7T44C2AGPZSREM2P8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1. And then always park your bike near less protected bike, like that they will attack the other one before yours and this might save it, but if they are well equipped, then they can steal any bike.
I recommend this lock:
Kryptonite Evolution Mini Integrated 10mm Chain Bicycle Lock
It is virtually indestructible. A thief would not be able to cut through it or otherwise damage it enough to remove it in a ‘reasonable’ amount of time. It would be quicker to saw through the bike’s frame, rendering the bike worthless. Caveat: it weighs 6 pounds. You could literally kill somebody with it if you swung it overhand.
On Guard locks are fine. I have two. Depending on where your from and if you’re leaving your bike outside for more than an hour or two I’d buy a Kryptonite chain in addition.
I like Kryptonite chain: https://smile.amazon.com/Kryptonite-Evolution-Integrated-Chain-Bicycle/dp/B006QN0MI0?sa-no-redirect=1
Not sure if they have that on the euro amazon or not, but make sure the chain you're getting is a security type from a well made company. It takes no time at all to zip through those if it's a knockoff or even just a sub-par material.
That pile of trash is the exact same price as: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006QN0MI0/
Bikes are safe they just get stolen so keep it secure! This lock is recommended by the Lock Picking Lawyer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006QN0MI0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_6TZH0GPXE6RFT2CW124B
Short answer is no there is no way to ensure your wheels safety unless you or someone you trust is always watching it id say appeal to your gym to see if you can and if not then go to another gym that will let you if neither of those are realistic options then the next best thing is to get https://www.amazon.com/Kryptonite-Evolution-Integrated-Chain-Bicycle/dp/B006QN0MI0/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=399KPN7DC5OI7&keywords=kryptonite+chain+lock&qid=1667359114&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI0Ljk1IiwicXNhIjoiNC44MSIsInFzcCI6IjQuNTEifQ%3D%3D&spre... and https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Anti-Theft-Vibration-Motorcycle-Waterproof/dp/B0734QN8KR/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=VBTTBR3J8I5S&keywords=motion+sensor+bike+alarm&qid=1667359141&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjEyIiwicXNhIjoiMi4zNCIsInFzcCI6IjEuODgifQ%3D%3D&... do not waste your time or $ on wire locks, solid bar locks or combination locks they are significantly easier to compromise via either brute force or picking trust me its not worth losing your several thousand dollar toy forever over a cheap lock other than using the items i linked id recommend not hiding your wheel out of sight have it out and in the open where plenty of ppl can see it the higher traffic area the better risk of being seen or caught is the best deterrent for thieves
A chain lock is actually more secure than most U-Locks. A U-Lock being rigid makes it easier to use tools against.
I figure if this is good enough for lock picking lawyer it's good enough for me.
Please edit your comment to include the full link, not the shortened version:
I use this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006QN0MI0 and it is by no means bulletproof, at all. But it's big and ugly and dissuades the casual bike thief... hopefully. I also embedded an Apple airtag in my bike as well.
Naw I have a Kryptonite chain lock that I wrapped around the rear wheel and bike frame to the thickest pole. I didn't really notice any attempts at cutting it.
My bike is actually a diy ebike really similar to this. They removed the bag with all the electronics and tried to take it off, but they would have to remove a bunch of zip ties and wires to do it. So they just left everything hanging out in a mess. I'm just thankful nothing broke and it all works still.
Ersetzt halt kein gutes Schloss. Ohne minimum sowas hier: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/gp/product/B006QN0MI0/ oder sowas https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Kryptonite-Bicycle-Lock-orange-120/dp/B06XZT8KZ1/ würd ich kein Fahrrad draußen abstellen. Viele nehmen halt nur Geschenkbänder, die man mit einer simplen Kabelschere durchzwickt.
If you live in an area that is served by them, and you use your scooter for commute to transportation hubs. This is what I use. It's pretty cheap (3-5 cents/hour, up to 10 days), but I can store bike and helmet and just ride the bus to my final destination.
Otherwise I use this chain lock, to lock it down at any bike racks. Plus I have a Galaxy Tag+ hidden inside the scooter itself in case someone decides to steal it.
This one seems okay right ? Kryptonite Antivol Chaîne EVOLUTION SERIES 4 1090 (10 mm x 90 cm) https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B006QN0MI0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_RE4JV7V10TA4P5XMKV47
At the last Medford Bike Committee meeting I attended they were talking about the lack of bike locks at the Middlesex Fells. I think Medford is trying to engage with DCR about getting some racks over there. I'm not actually sure there are any over there actually. I ride there frequently, but always on my fat bike or full suspension mountain bike for either gravel fire road riding or single track. I'd love to be able to hike over there, but the lack of bike racks makes it a non-starter.
One thing you could do is invest in a chain lock. Something like this. Lock your bike to the best tree you can find. For added security, walk or ride the bike a half mile into the Fells. This will make it less easy for someone to spot from the road, and harder to steal since they'll have to hike 15 mins in to get to the bike, with their lock cutters or whatever, and then drag/ride the bike half a mile out. A lot of the Fells is fire roads, so you shouldn't have an issue walking or riding it a little ways in. For example, getting to here is a 5 min walk and would make it so only hikers and bikers see your bike vs locking it to a tree near the South Border Road trail heads. The Red Cross Path is a very easy ride or walk.
Next time I ride over at the Fells, I'll keep an eye out for bike racks. I feel like I may have spotted one before, but I can't recall where. Maybe the Sheepfold Dog Park, or over by the Flynn Rink. Those are harder to get to unless you're comfortable riding fire roads - or super comfortable riding on Route 28 or the Fellsway. I think Route 28 has a gutter/wide shoulder to ride on. Fellsway has a sidewalk on one side that I've ridden, though slowly due to the number of pedestrians between the skating rink and the Stone Zoo.
I just got one of the Kryptonite chains for my Radrunner +
Kryptonite Evolution Mini Integrated 10mm Chain Bicycle Lock https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006QN0MI0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_R56ZK7ZE874T6CVZ03H4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
For your purposes, I'd recommend the longest heaviest chain you can live with. If you can handle 6lbs, consider something like this: https://www.amazon.ca/Kryptonite-Evolution-Integrated-Chain-Bicycle/dp/B006QN0MI0/ref=pd_lpo_1?pd_rd_i=B006QN0MI0&psc=1
My reasoning is that a chain gives you much more flexibility and options to improvise locking up vs a U-lock. You won't always know whether where you'll end up wanting to lock up will have a place that's suitable for a U-lock.
You'd be surprised, but I don't really notice the weight when it's on my bike. I also have u-locks etc I use in combination with the chain in different circumstances, but for the sort of thing you're describing, I go with the chain.
I use both chain lock and u-lock for my bike. Here a few links . Please keep in mind not to cheap out on your lock, especially if you're out a lot.
I wouldn't trust a $16 U-lock to protect an eBike worth over $1000.
I watched a ton of reviews from the Lock Picking Lawyer on YouTube, https://youtube.com/c/lockpickinglawyer. Ultimately I went with the Kryptonite Evolution Mini chain lock for my Radwagon 4, along with some cables for the wheels based on the fact that LPL said he uses that on his bike. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006QN0MI0?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
for my sur ron (in NY btw), I use a Kryptonite Evolution Mini through the center of the frame and a 12mm Kryptonite Ulock around 1 side of the forks when I leave my bike out at work overnight and lock it to sturdy pole(that cant be lifted over) or a railing. For a simple ride to the store i just use the U-Lock if its only for a few minutes since the chain weighs about 10lbs. And take your battery inside if it's a bike with an exposed battery since most ebike batteries are pretty much half the price of the bike most the time.
I have a Radwagon 4. I watched a lot of videos from the "Lock Picking Lawyer" on YouTube before ordering a lock. I ultimately went with the lock he said he uses on his bike. I lock my bike with this chain from Kryptonite: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006QN0MI0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_YEEKP962BNTWZM4PKS1J?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The chain is heavy, and it jingles a bit when I go over bumps on the bike. However, I work on a college campus and didn't want to take any chances with bike security. I also use a 3' cable that came with a U-lock I have to help secure wheels.
Also, I installed this shackle on my garage floor to lock it up in the garage: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000LF903M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_5MA1THJF0WGANV2GQC7T?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
>Kryptonite New York Fahgettaboutit D lock
hahah these locks are gonna add up to like £150. more than i paid for the bike but i mean, if it's a long term investment, it'll pay over time. I was thinking of getting that D lock and this chain?
If you come back to the same place every night then invest in a kryptonite chain, vs a U lock. Even with a angle grinder it is much harder to find a static place to cut on these chains, vs a U lock.
I actually stopped using U locks entirely, after seeing how easy it is to pop them. Thieves in cities are experts at just using leverage to pop them in seconds. It is much heavier to lug the chan but small price to pay for security.
I also use this for my front wheel if I am planning on leaving my bike for a extended period
So far my overkill locking method has prevented anyone from even attempting to mess with my bike.