>That's all the time I have for today. Thanks everyone! > >I’m a 5 time
Grammy-nominated guitarist with six #1 blues albums to my name along with a
string of #1 mainstream rock singles and numerous awards. My new album Lay It
On Down just came out last week - buy it at [Amazon](
/Down-Kenny-Wayne-Shepherd-Band/dp/B072589HKN/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8) - and I’ll be
on tour throughout the summer/fall. >
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2017-08-08 11:56:11.963846
This is the final update to this thread
That's all the time I have for today. Thanks everyone!
I’m a 5 time Grammy-nominated guitarist with six #1 blues albums to my name along with a string of #1 mainstream rock singles and numerous awards. My new album Lay It On Down just came out last week - buy it at Amazon - and I’ll be on tour throughout the summer/fall.
shepherd_guitarist_and_car/dla8sdc/): Any plans to tour Australia soon?! I've
been hoping to see you live since I was younger! Lovin' the new album... The
cover is very remindful of SRV's Texas Flood
: Concise_AMA_Bot :
: [+KennyWayneShepherd](
: wayne_shepherd_guitarist_and_car/dla8wrp/): Wow. I never thought about that
: in regards to the cover, but thats cool. I hope we come back to Australia
: very soon. I love it over there.
:: Concise_AMA_Bot :
:: [+blueslovinmama](
:: yne_shepherd_guitarist_and_car/dla9dtr/): Really?! I thought maybe you'd
:: based it off that cover art! You should perform at Bluesfest Byron Bay!
:: I'm sure Peter Noble would love to have you on the line up :) Also,
:: Trouble Is... is SUCH A RECORD! I'm only 20 so it's been a recent discovery
:: for me... Such delicious playing!
::: Concise_AMA_Bot :
::: [+KennyWayneShepherd](
::: nny_wayne_shepherd_guitarist_and_car/dla9py7/): Thank you. We have
::: played Byron Bay a few times over the years. It's time that we come back
::: again
rd_guitarist_and_car/dla9u5q/): Thanks for your show in Denmark last week!
How did you first get into guitar playing and do you play any other
: Concise_AMA_Bot :
: [+KennyWayneShepherd](
: wayne_shepherd_guitarist_and_car/dla9y1b/): I started playing around on
: guitar at about 4 years old but got my first real guitar at age 7 and started
: woodshedding. I dabble in other instruments but can't play any of them on the
: level of my guitar playing. I've never had the time to try and master them
: like i would like to.
rd_guitarist_and_car/dla8p3l/): Do you ever think you'll share words of wisdom
or experience as Stevie did during his shows? Some precious parts of being a
big fan is hearing an artist soeak
: Concise_AMA_Bot :
: [+KennyWayneShepherd](
: wayne_shepherd_guitarist_and_car/dla8sdz/): I talk now more than I ever have
: in-between songs, though I prefer to stick to the music which is what i
: believe people are there for.
guitarist_and_car/dla8vt0/): Thanks for doing this. At this point in your
career, do you find your audiences are mostly blues heads, or do you still have
rockers there just to hear Blue on Black?
: Concise_AMA_Bot :
: [+KennyWayneShepherd](
: wayne_shepherd_guitarist_and_car/dla8z7r/): We have a wide ranging audience
: with ages ranging from 7-70 and they are music lovers of all kinds.
epherd_guitarist_and_car/dla8pfg/): Hi Kenny......see you at the Ridgefield
Playhouse in a few weeks!!!!! Can't wait!!!! Why did you change members in the
: Concise_AMA_Bot :
: [+KennyWayneShepherd](
: wayne_shepherd_guitarist_and_car/dla8v44/): There always comes a time when
: change is appropriate. I have learned not to be scared of change but to
: embrace it. On a creative level it's refreshing to change it up from time to
: time.
shepherd_guitarist_and_car/dla9wve/): You mentioned that your Faith in God has
gotten you through all obstacles & I presume you don't mean Clapton haha Have
you always been a religious person? Unlike Jonny Lang's stuff, it isn't super
obvious throughout your music.
: Concise_AMA_Bot :
: [+KennyWayneShepherd](
: wayne_shepherd_guitarist_and_car/dla9zvt/): I have always believed and there
: are subtle messages in some of my music.
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 5 Updated at 2017-08-09 20:24:34.529161
This is the final update to this thread
>That's all the time I have for today. Thanks everyone!
>I’m a 5 time Grammy-nominated guitarist with six #1 blues albums to my name along with a string of #1 mainstream rock singles and numerous awards. My new album Lay It On Down just came out last week - buy it at Amazon - and I’ll be on tour throughout the summer/fall.
>That's all the time I have for today. Thanks everyone!
>I’m a 5 time Grammy-nominated guitarist with six #1 blues albums to my name along with a string of #1 mainstream rock singles and numerous awards. My new album Lay It On Down just came out last week - buy it at Amazon - and I’ll be on tour throughout the summer/fall.