If that's what you think passes for clever or witty, you're only enforcing that you know nothing about good writing.
Do you think Edmonton and Calgary are not in Canada? Because, you know, when they say "number of affordable cities in Canada: ZERO" that is INCLUSIVE of those two cities as well.
Do you need me to hook you up with resources on literacy?
No, i told you what the problem was.
Eat the book, or read the wiki if you're having trouble figuring it out.
Else, i imagine this would better suit your tastes
[I think you might need to purchase this with your skins](https://www.amazon.ca/Learn-Read-Activity-Book-Lessons/dp/1939754526/ref=sr\_1\_7?crid=2PUNUO0EGITMC&keywords=learn+how+to+read+for+kids&qid=1637125928&sprefix=learn+how+to+read+%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-7)
I think you might need to purchase [this] with your skins(https://www.amazon.ca/Learn-Read-Activity-Book-Lessons/dp/1939754526/ref=sr\_1\_7?crid=2PUNUO0EGITMC&keywords=learn+how+to+read+for+kids&qid=1637125928&sprefix=learn+how+to+read+%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-7)
I did say which law earlier. I'm not going to keep repeating myself if you don't bother reading. I never said that I support the reason for the arrest. I just tried proving context as to why. I even stated my opposition towards certain laws. So yes I will be proud of myself. Thank you kind stranger. I feel accomplished in my efforts to provide context and my values are still intact. Before reading legal statutes I would recommend reading this book.
This article is explicitly about the failings in the most recent withdrawal. It states that several times.
Here you go;
Learn to Read Activity Book: 101 Fun Lessons to Teach Your Child to Read https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1939754526/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_PPQ63DYWNMBWNB28BNBE
I'm clearly talking about the JCS, as /u/abnrib mentioned.
For you, /u/HatedSoul soul, I have another book, https://www.amazon.com/Learn-Read-Activity-Book-Lessons/dp/1939754526/
Can you afford this? Seems you need it. Numbers are even easier to learn than words!
Wouldn't want you to lose your last one
Let me help you.You're trying to use the same scale to judge a 4 mana and a 10 mana play.