Get this dog some talking buttons!!!! I'm sure they would catch on.
My mom's dog knows my personal ring tone and will sit by the door when she hears it.
These look like they're rated pretty well and will ship quickly! Keep in mind there may be a bit of a transition period when you change the buttons for the other set. If you keep the buttons in the same place and order that should help with the transition.
Not sure about the funding. But I have always been annoyed by the price of the Big Mac switch. If anyone can explain, I'd really like to understand.
I've used game show buzzers instead.
That link looks terrible. But just go to Amazon and search for game buzzers. Just over $20 for four of them
We got these cheap ones but there are nicer fancier ones too. We would just gauge what the animals wanted and press the button when we gave it to them. Our youngest kitten picked it up quickly. He even uses them to tell us when the dog wants out or when another cat wants food or pets. We really need to get more!
What is the pressure for depressing the button like compared to something like a big mack? I've done a similar conversion with the Learning Resources recordable buttons and they are a bit difficult to depress.
Search for dog training buttons. Almost all of them are recordable. example
I got cheap ones to see if he’d take to them. I’ll upgrade to the “Tqlking Dog” or “Fluent Pet” soon now that he’s catching on. You can record your own voice too in your language :)
Learning Resources Recordable...
I got cheap ones to see if he’d take to them. I’ll upgrade to the “Tqlking Dog” or “Fluent Pet” soon now that he’s catching on. You can record your own voice too!
Learning Resources Recordable...
I got cheap ones to see if he’d take to them. I’ll upgrade to the “Tqlking Dog” or “Fluent Pet” soon now that he’s catching on. You can record your own voice too!
Learning Resources Recordable...
I think most people on this sub are going to know about and recommend professional use case options. But it sounds like what you’re looking for is a gift item that’s more sentimental than strictly practical. I couldn’t find an easy option on a quick search but did find this. Learning Resources Recordable Answer Buzzers, Personalized Sound Buzzer, Recordable Buttons, Perfect for Game Nights, Set of 4, Ages 3+ Maybe buy two of those and attach them together on a custom made board or something. Might be big and clunky but it’s a start. Could even take them apart and build a system yourself if you’re feeling extra DIY.
You could try using something like this to take some stress off of the situation,
then she can focus on just the potty instead of trying to find the language while trying to figure out the potty.
Could use just one button that says "Potty" or one for pee and one for poop? Mark them with a picture taped on top or a sticker maybe.
My girl is still working on training but she did the asking for the bathroom but she had already gone thing too, I set her on the potty for a minute and said "good try!" and she gets there faster now than before.
These. The sound was fine.
I think these are them. Anything like this, which allows you to record sounds, would work. We have one for "food!" (she tells us when she is hungry for dinner), "outside!" (to go out and potty), and "come in!" (after she is done; we have a backyard).
You know what? You're on to something here. You could get one of those dog buttons and just record yourself saying "Hey Siri, intercom" or whatever the command is. (I'm not familiar with the intercom function.)
Then, train the dog to push the button when he wants your attention. Heck, you could even record a few different Siri commands - One for intercom, maybe one to play soft music or nature sounds, another to turn on some lights, and another to send a message. How awesome would it be to get a text message from your dog saying "Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you."
Sure! We first had him press the button for a treat (dehydrated chicken). So, we'd say "Button!" or "press the button!" and point to the button and we have him a treat when he activated the button.
Then we put the button near the door, and when he pressed the button we'd open the door. He started doing the inside button on his own. So proud of him!
These are the buttons on Amazon.
Maybe it could be "more chicken!" because we reward him with dehydrated chicken and put bits of chicken in with his food so that he eats it.
We use a recordable button for our dogs that I've recorded saying "outside." It's loud, plus it's my voice saying outside so I can reinforce it by saying the word when we get there and the dogs seem to link it. We demonstrated pushing it a few times then going outside and the dogs got it right away, although not every dog does apparently. The puppy is only 9 weeks so she doesn't use it yet, but we introduced it to our adult dogs a while ago and they got it within a week or so. The only thing is those buttons are big-ish and can be hard if your puppy is tiny, but there are smaller ones out there. We used the other buttons for "play," "hungry" and "bed" (aka come lay down and snuggle me) and the dogs seem to love them- they request bark SO much less now!
I haven't looked into this for cats but to satisfy that exact need for my dog I got some recordable speech buttons to do AAC training (Augmentative and Alternative Communication). My plan was to get my dog to understand that pressing the buttons is like communication and then figure out an automation in the future - like if we have a button for hungry, right now I put her food bowl down and fill it when she asks. With automation maybe I'll have it dispense food in the bowl (with some obvious checks - like writing some code that only allows food to dispense once every 6 hours or something lol). Have fun!
I am going to get two of those buzzers for animal communication buzzers. Just two of them. One for “go out” and the other for “MAD!” My guess is that my guys will beat the heck out of the mad one.
We started with one button (4 in a pack, each is re-recordable and super easy) and gradually increase the number so it's not so confusing. Only problem is she now presses the button whenever she wants to go outside ... Which is all the time...
These are the ones we got, they work pretty well but the speaker is kinda funky so you will have to play with it a bit and record a few times to get the best sound. It also picks up lower tone voices better than higher tones, my husband's voice was clearer than mine.
4 for $20,7 second recordable
Your encouragement means a lot to me, thanks. Seriously, I cried for a few minutes after reading that (I've been working on my ability to allow that, it's really new to me, and I don't have any idea what I was feeling in that moment, or what part of me felt like crying).
You're right, I'm not a medical professional, I have two engineering degrees, and I've trained as a Feldenkrais practitioner (that's a somatics method which, unfortunately, mostly ignores emotional experience), but I'm not really using that. Well, I'm also not engineering at the moment either, so no matter.
Anyway, I just checked, just to see how expensive those "STOP buttons could be. $4.
(possibly higher quality, definitely a better color, at 3x the price: )
They're cheap enough that you could just hand one to doctors that you think would actually hand them to patients to use. And / or carry one with you to any medical appointments, and tell the doctor what it is and why you brought it (to help you have a bigger voice when you might otherwise have moments where you felt you had a very small voice) and then demonstrate it working by pressing the button. And if the doc is receptive to the idea, leave it with them. The only setup needed is throwing in batteries, recording a firm Stop! and on the first (cheaper) product I linked, maybe use pliers to completely remove the Record button so that the Stop message can't be accidentally recorded over. The only think the doctor would have to do is use an alcohol wipe on it before handing it to the patient (for sanitary purposes), and then demonstrate its use and its meaning, telling the patients that it is meant to give them control / give them a voice in case their internal "no" and "respect me" voices need amplification.
I can imagine a lot of women at they gynos office crying just upon being handed the button and being told they matter, that their need to be heard and have their boundaries respected is real, and that the doc actually wants to help them to feel in control. Imagine that- fully-clothed women crying at the START of a lady-doc appointment because they felt respected, rather than crying during the exam, or leaving feeling traumatized and then crying the next time the numbness subsided enough to allow it.
I'm going to tell my talk therapist about your message.
Also, I've been developing a meditation for learning how to move into emotional availability and then for learning emotional regulation. I hope to make the recording of it later today. Would you like me to send you the link once I post it? I'd value your feedback, though I don't know enough about you and your goals to know if it would be something you'd find as a benefit personally.
Anyway, thanks for your message!
Does anyone know if instead of verbally pleading the fifth, could you hold up a sign or use an audio recording to repeat you invoking this right versus verbally stating it?
You could use something like:
If a justification is needed, perhaps a doctor could provide a reasonable accommodation due to mouth getting dry if you were questioned for hours?
If this helps, I started with these but plan to switch to fluentpet once my pup is better! (I am in Canada) Learning Resources Recordable...
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Learning Resources Recordable Answer Buzzers, Per… | $13.68 | $13.68 | 4.1/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
You record your voice, so these buttons work in any language! Quick search show multiple brands on Amazon. Here is a link.Limited-time deal: Learning Resources Recordable Answer Buzzers, Personalized Sound Buzzer, Recordable Buttons, Perfect for Game Nights, Set of 4, Ages 3+
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Learning Resources Recordable Answer Buzzers, Per… | $23.22 | $23.22 | 4.1/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Learning Resources Recordable Answer Buzzers, Per… | $23.22 | $23.22 | 4.1/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
That is the idea I'm going for. Once I have Doglang 2.0 worked out I will be using these to lay out a grid of the primitives, with the intention of increasing the total number of available buttons by 10% every time a level of competency has been reached with the currently available buttons. I'm basing this on the research of the late Dr. Anders Ericsson. In his book Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise he states that to avoid a plateau in learning a task must be about 10-20% more difficult than your current competency level so that you are forced to avoid heuristics and must actively work through your task, while not being so difficult that it discourages you.
Instead of images though, I would like to try using a simple orthography painted onto the buttons similar to the one used in aUI so that a visual cue can be provided to my dogs rather than having to rely on motor memory and only receiving feedback on whether or not it is the intended button after it has already been activated.
In How Stella Learned to Talk, Christina Hunger refers to natural language modeling multiple times as an effective method of teaching language skills. This might not be the right place to discuss this topic but I'm curious if combining modeling with active learning sessions utilizing the framework laid out in Lincos: Design of a Language for Cosmic Intercourse with spaced repetition would accelerate the learning process.
If Doglang does work out as intended I will probably build a more advanced electronic version that acts as a keyboard interface for a computer that can actively translate from Doglang to English.
Okay this may sound a little demeaning but hear me out this comes from a tiktok actually of a dog named Bunny.
The owner uses programmable buttons that the dog has learned to use to communicate with. Here is a version of the buttons she uses.
Learning Resources Recordable Answer Buzzers, Personalized Sound Buzzer, Recordable Buttons, Set of 4, Ages 3+
Now I would have him when he's verbal record red yellow and green plus a safe word then he just keeps a panel with him nearby that he can smack with his hand. That is his own voice which might be less auditory jarring for him or you could record them using your voice for him and send it to him to use. Whichever would be better.
And this is not a new idea either. There is an autistic aid that is a tablet where they can create a custom soundboard to communicate if they are nonverbal. But the idea to use buttons might better than a soundboard tablet because it would be easier thing to use since he just has to press them instead of having to work the finger you can just smack it with his hand.
Just Found those on Amazon: , I am going to buy them for my dog
There's a lot more options now but here are the ones I use
If she gets real good at it I'll switch to fluentpet buttons
Well... I'm guessing this technique works to hurry you along, right? That's why he does it, because it works. Running in to separate them (and therefore give him attention) is probably pretty reinforcing. Not that your instinct to protect your dog is wrong- I've had an elderly chihuahua and they are an exercise in worry, lol- but just that Hermes apparently has figured out how to get straight to you in the most efficient way possible.
I think the solution here is twofold: part one is make sure Hermes can't practice this behavior any longer, and part two is train Hermes on what you'd like him to do instead to get his needs met. If you only do part 1, he'll just invent something else to make you nuts, hah.
Can Scruffy be separated from Hermes for a little while, maybe in an exercise pen or with a baby gate? The key is to make sure Hermes cannot practice his annoying behavior any more. If you are holding Scruffy and trying to shoo Hermes away, he's just learning that bugging Scruffy gets your attention EVEN MORE and that's not good! He absolutely can't reinforce his annoying behavior if you don't give him access, so that would be the very best thing to do. If Scruffy is anything like my elderly Chi was, I'm sure he won't mind being confined a while as long as he's got plenty of pillows and blankies hah. Failing that, I'd say make sure that you remove Scruffy from the area BEFORE Hermes needs something, if he really is predictable. If you remove Scruffy once Hermes is already being a pest, he just learns more that his behavior is going to cause you to rush over and pay attention (even negatively). Usually I'd say just ignore the behavior entirely, but with the size difference, you don't want him to escalate his roughness with Scruffy to try to get your attention.
Part two is, give him an alternative! When dogs make up what to do, it's rarely what we want. I LOVE my recordable buttons because my dogs use them not only to indicate that they want something, but they can tell us what they want! So fun. There are many tutorials online on how to get your dog to use speech buttons, but the gist is you record them with words your dogs already know (dinner, outside, etc) and then just consistently demonstrate the use of the buttons when you do that thing. If that is too annoying, you could try something like potty bells or even scratching the door- just show him how to do what you want him to do, and don't let him do anything you don't want him to do! Make it so ONLY doing the thing you want gets his needs met, and his behavior will change really quick.
Good luck! It sounds like your pup is a spitfire but also like he's got big brains, so I bet he'll get it figured out quick.
You can get these on Amazon and program them with your own voice
Simpler, cheaper route. Will report back findings. Learning Resources Recordable Answer Buzzers, Personalized Sound Buzzers, Talking Button, Set of 4, Ages 3+
FluentPet buttons which are much smaller and are made in batches so it'll take longer.
I suggest starting out with the big cheap ones and if it's working out for you, then you can upgrade them to the smaller buttons to save space.
This is the link they provide on their website: Amazon Link
I bought these buttons on Amazon: