I saw this brand on Amazon and they had a few different models. Is there a specific one you recommend I was looking at one that was around ~100 dollars. I was looking at these
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7S0DQF?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share could of sworn that I included the link to the knee pads in my post. Both helmets you are looking at do not have chin guards which is a non starter for me personally. I saw your scooter can reach up to 25mph same as my emove cruiser. When I ride to and from work every day I wear a full face motorcycle helmet/mountain bike helmet, a mesh coat with ce rated back, chest and elbow protection during the summer and have a riding coat for the colder months. I also wear the knee pads or riding pants and boots. For gloves I currently have a pair of leather gloves but I'm looking to upgrade. When you fall you want gloves with wrist splints that will stop them from hyper extending so you don't have to wear a medical splint for a whole month like me.
I'd honestly return that helmet and get a downhill/motor cross helmet at a minimum. It's not if you will crash but when and even if you are. Going slow doesn't stop a car from crashing into you. I use these for knee pads. Super quick to take on and off. Some people will say it is overkill but I rather be over protected than under protected.
Pricey but worth it, super comfortable, easy on and off over clothes, and great range of motion. Also have slid/fallen in these at high speeds multiple times and they hold up well, no damage or bruising to my knees at all.
> Be safe. Take it cautiously. And wear your gear.
I always ride with a full set of gear:
Wrist Guards: Demon Dual Side I also have a Motorcycle Jacket I wear if it's not crazy hot out.
> Regarding knobby vs. street tire: stick with your current knobby for now. The street tire is more agile, as OP stated. But agile is the opposite of stable.
Yea, I did a bit of research after I commented and I'm sticking with the Knobby. I deflated to about 23-25 PSI, the pump I have is for my v11 suspension so the range is high, hard to target low PSI. I have another pump coming where I can just set the value.
>Oh… and I really recommend Clarkpads.
I'll check them out. on my v11 I was using some 3D printed TPU pads I made which worked super well. The stock ones seem similar but arent as good.
Leatt Black Large/X-Large Knee & Shin Guard Dual Axis,1 Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7S0DQF/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_4J4VYT2511RV4BM1EK7E?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1