It consumes 62 watts if that is what you mean.
I know it is not the most amazing light out there, I have seen quite a few posts caution about using these epileds. I have had success with this light so far though for sure. We'll see how flowering goes...
This is the 150w I recommend on the /materials page. It consumes 60w which is good for a 5gal. It has decent reviews overall
Most UFOs are rebranded from similar Chinese manufacturers, so keep that in mind. You'll see that most look the same. Quality check is not always on point.
Heres the light I used:
And no heat issues. The top fan takes heat out and the bottom fan bring in the air. Keeps things very cool.
For the bucket, I've been using this LED grow light:
I hadn't considered that - I will def add LED strips on round 2!
It's this """150W""" UFO
but now that you mention it, I peaked inside and the light is really close
I've been meaning to put together a parts list so here goes. For the record I'm a newbie, but I did some pretty extensive research and it seems to be working well. I bought everything off of Amazon (USA) besides the seeds and the buckets.
I went with a plug and play setup which is a little more expensive but I don't have to worry about my wiring. I'm using This grow light. It seems like opinions on UFO lights are kinda split but my plant is loving it so I'm happy. I grabbed a bunch of Home Depot white 5 gallon buckets to cut the rims off of/ use one full one for the base. If you have access to power tools, I used a jigsaw to cut the buckets and it was a breeze.
You might want to look for a different one but I used these fans and they work very well but once I had the inline fan, having two was pointless. I really only use one sporadically as the inline fan creates a nice breeze by pulling through a passive intake (literally just the hole where one of the fans is. I run it a few hours a day just to toughen the stalk. The other hole has paper covering it and I use it as a window to check on it, although I'll probably replace the entire bottom bucket when I start flowering to make a seal for smell. Besides that I used just black duct tape to prevent light from escaping.
Hygrometer from my digging on here, seriously monitor this.
BioBizz soil that I mixed with perlite (I'm sure any brand is fine) keep it light and fluffy when you plant.
2 gal smart pot. I bought a 3 gal as well but opted for the smaller one with better airflow.
pH up and down haven't had to use these yet because my pH is fortunately spot on.
When it inevitably starts smelling you'll need to live with it or get a carbon filter/ inline fan setup. A lot of people try DIY solutions that you can research but I just went with the expensive sure thing. Looks like the AC Infinity T4 is out of stock on but the cheaper S4 is there and I'm sure it works just as well. I think the difference is the digital settings on the T series. As far as noise goes, I think the light is louder than the fan, but it's right next to my bed and I sleep fine with it running. It's like a white noise machine and I think I actually prefer sleeping with it on lol. Then I went with this carbon filter and this ducting although I'm sure any ducting works.
Anyways, I may not be the best source, but feel free to ask for any tips along the way.
Edit: I recently started LST with This and it really didn't work for me. The wire is too stiff and didn't cooperate with the fabric pot. I switched to some hemp wick I had lying around and its working well.
No, that one is bigger then a spacebucket lid. The light on the right is what is out of my spacebucket.