I've tried a ton of budget lights but these Sayhon lights are the best bang for your buck. The flowering bar makes a huge difference and it's got the fullest spectrum for the price. They keep up with my HLG lights, no joke.
You may be able to get a discount if you order direct. Ask them for a discount code- they gave me 20% off last time I asked.
I bought This on Amazon awhile back on sale and was very impressed on the quality and light output. Its also nice that it is dimmable. Wished I would have bought a couple more when it was $59.
This is my first round of pelargonium seeds. If I were to start over, I would probably expose them to brighter light a lot sooner per advice from u/pachypodiatrist . Some of the seedlings are a little leggy. They were on the outer perimeter of my grow light area and I moved them closer to center and higher.
I’m not really sure how much light they’re getting. They’re under for 12 hrs per day of however much light is emitted from this grow light at 12 inches away.
The seeds were pretty hard, so I used stainless steel tweezers to hold them on the table while cutting the vertical line with an x-acto blade with light pressure. In good lighting, you can seed a subtle color change in the seed coat along the cut line as a tiny amount of air is allowed in between the seed coat and the cotyledon. It was a nice visual cue to stop applying pressure with the blade.
I didn’t wait until the rootlets were 15mm long. I planted as soon as I saw tiny root hairs guessing that it would be less traumatic if roots were able to begin development in the substrate (1:1:1 cactus soil/perlite/pumice)
I did keep lids on the little containers with the paper towel until they were ready for potting to maintain moisture.