About as cheap as you can go. https://www.amazon.com/Briignite-Spectrum-Coverage-Dimmable-Greenhouse/dp/B08S33266Y?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1
Something like this: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08S33266Y/ref=vp_d_pb_TIER2_cmlr_lp_B08PD35XP2_pd?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B08JGW2K35&pd_rd_w=HyL3K&pf_rd_p=97e8de0d-97b9-4dbd-a111-de3444373e29&pf_rd_r=XSM7YTJT6Y168Q3SSN5Q&pd_rd_r=2e94ba6e-9b21-4550-b81b-0684638c0b54&pd_rd_wg=wYsCg&th=1 about $30. Says it's for 2'x2' but people using it for that said not enough light. 60W should be fine for 1'x1' with the light about 12" above whatever you're growing. You can get much better lights, but considering your small space, I assume you want something budget friendly. LM281B aren't the best, but better than anything else at that price.
Gonna hijack this top comment to leave a couple links instead of saying unhelpful words
Sorry if links don’t work I’m on mobile