Lights: 300W and 120W Leds
Tent: 32x48x60
Fan: Shat Fan
Humidity: 34-40%
Temp: 72-78F
Soil pH: Roughly 6.9
Soil: Unigrow organic potting soil
Additives: Just distilled water, the clones have been fed calmag once
There isn't really much you can do to seal up a tent's flaws, but just make sure you properly connect the fan and ducting together and to the tent's exhaust.
The smaller one looks like it's made of cheap plastic and probably has a crappy motor. The second one might be ok, but again is made of plastic, and seems pretty underpowered. The manufacturer itself only recommends it for small LEDs and propagation lights, and it only has a max current of 20 watts, which is barely anything.
The two pieces of equipment you should never cheap out on if you plan on continuing growing are the lights and the ventilation fan. A decent quality steel fan with a durable motor can last you a decade or more in many different setups and the last thing you want is your ventilation system crapping out and killing your plants. If you weren't too concerned about the smell, you could probably just use one of those cheaper cylindrical duct-sized ones like the second one I linked; but if smell is a big priority you're probably going to have to spend a decent chunk of money on a quality carbon filter that actually works well and a fan that's powerful enough to suck enough air through it.
I have used this 37W 240CFM 6 inch model of fan in my tent which is a similar size to the one you linked, and it worked perfectly when I was using it along with an extra older 400W MH/HPS light for peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables that I didn't have to worry about any smell.
However when I tried connecting it to ducting and a carbon filter for cannabis, it just couldn't create enough pressure to properly pull the air through the filter and either get rid of the smell or create enough airflow to keep the temperature down. Even though it could move plenty of air when unobstructed, you need some real FORCE and power to move air through a carbon filter.
I don't remember the exact model of fan that I got, but once I bought the other kind, very similar to this one even though it's a smaller diameter and less than 2/3 of the rated CFM airflow, it was able to push that air way harder through the ducting and filter. I will say though that the 4 inch fans (of either type) are often much louder than the 6 inch ones because they force air through a smaller opening.
What kind of lights are you using, and have you tried growing at all on a smaller scale or just starting out with a full tent setup?