I use this one. Cheap price but not terrible quality. Buttons are programmable. No driver (registers as generic HID), works on any OS - but does need the windows application to flash the rom.
You need to put it on a hard surface.
Only product flaw is that the buttons are squishy, but they probably all are.
Speaking generally, footswitches are less usefful than I had hoped. (And I'm even a gigging drummer...mostly because I've been forced off of stringed instruments thanks to hands revolting against me.) In part, I think, because:
So I only really use it:
Hey, nice to hear from you!
I really like your switch and how easy it is to open and mod it. Also, the actual electrical switch inside is nice, and I like that you provide both connections for an opener and closer switch and have the schematics printed to the bottom. The material quality is nice and it all feels really sturdy. If I had to name one thing that you could do better is that there is quite a large dead zone between staring to press the metal pedal until it reaches the actual electrical switch inside. So in terms of tactile feedback, when I start to press the switch I get a resistance when I reach the electrical switch, and then need to press deeper to actually actuate it. This also makes a double click noise. I don’t know if you have any reason for this besides manufacturing tolerances, but at least for what I use it, it would be better to not have the dead zone. Maybe you could add a screw that can be pre-tensioned by the user to change the upper endpoint if the switch motion to the point where the electrical switch starts?
Edit: I also want to point out that i think you misunderstood the comments that are talking about bad switches. Those comments were not about your switches but about the plastic pedals that Amazon sells that already come in a configuration with two or three pedals an a USB cord. This are the bad ones: https://www.amazon.com/Lemo-1640835-Control-Keyboard-Action/dp/B00B3PV47O/ref=mp_s_a_1_31?ie=UTF8&qid=1540335184&sr=8-31&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=foot+switch&dpPl=1&dpID=41FnKbru2AL&ref=plSrch I had these at first and they suck because they are optically switched so the provide no feedback at all, and also they feel really cheap.
Two of those and you got all your abilities and summoner spells covered. So now you can get a regular mouse with only a few buttons for pings and whatnot.
For the people he's talking about, I bought a 3 button footpedal that works great. I use it for Push to Talk, Discord Mute and Deafen. Works great, been using it for a year.
Not an affiliate link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00B3PV47O/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o09\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Foot usb switch has the ability to macro in commands. Maybe that could help a little.
Anyone in here use a foot pedal for gaming? Trying to find a good foot pedal that doesn't keyboard ghost (a.k.a use two keys at the same time and still register). I got this from Amazon, but this one ghosts: https://www.amazon.com/Lemo-1640835-Control-Keyboard-Action/dp/B00B3PV47O/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=foot+pedal&qid=1573834450&s=electronics&sr=1-10
Side question, what keys should I put on my foot pedal for WoW?
Anyone familiar with foot pedals? See I'm looking for foot pedals for my PC for gaming, however the foot pedals I got was a 3 button one. And they keyboard ghost (meaning I can't press two of the foot pedals keys at the same time, they both won't register - only one foot pedal key press at a time registers).
I'm looking for a foot pedal that doesn't keyboard ghost. Any suggestions?
Hey, I also want to recommend USB foot pedals (there's a few different ones): https://www.amazon.com/Lemo-1640835-Control-Keyboard-Action/dp/B00B3PV47O/ref=sr_1_2?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1479382185&sr=1-2&keywords=USB+foot+pedals
They'll help you have a bit more control over whatever you want; might as well use your feet too.
Another way you could improve your gaming experience might be with foot/feet controls? I'm not 100% sure how well they work for gaming but you can get some pedal controls like this that mean you have a few more buttons to use?
Best wishes man. Hope everything starts looking up from now on :)
There is a simple setup to add more accessible buttons to his repertoire using his feet. Hook up a multiple pedal HID device (example, there are cheaper ones too) and assign each pedal to a skill or pot slot (or even multiple actions at once). Hopefully he can enjoy other builds as well :)
Should get a floor button and bind jump to a foot tap?like this?
Not sure if it’s ideal but you can get a foot peddle off Amazon for cheap. Bind straft to the left peddle and right peddle. Middle one for a bonus keybind.
I got these. Works for Time Crisis 5 that needs two pedals.
Lemo 1640835 PC USB Foot Control... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00B3PV47O?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Would something like this work? Lemo 1640835 PC USB Foot Control Keyboard Action Switch Pedal HID https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B3PV47O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_FYDD37QTZZK6JSJQYKWA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Foot pedals are awesome too. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B3PV47O/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_9WYGJFH8KR91KHJTDSNA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Lemo 1640835 PC USB Foot Control Keyboard Action Switch Pedal HID https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B3PV47O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_4B4HTH9Q66W543Q02ECG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It was that one.
Since you can't hit shift with your pinky, what about something like this to use with your feet instead?
Use one of the pedals in place of shift and use 1-5 and petal+1-5 for 6-10
Amazon link here
Have you considered using one of these for some extra buttons? Not sure how it would work with switch, or other consoles, but pc would work well. https://www.amazon.ca/Lemo-1640835-Control-Keyboard-Action/dp/B00B3PV47O/ref=pd_cp_147_2?pd_rd_w=RbXXR&pf_rd_p=64a84aa4-b549-4445-9bf3-48bdeed5f24a&pf_rd_r=P9D7Q968PR2WW6TGGFSE&pd_rd_r=426e2661-59b4-4dd4-94df-9c1c36612baa&pd_rd_wg=OGxaw&pd_rd_i=B00B3PV47O&psc=1&refRID=P9D7Q968PR2WW6TGGFSE
Unfortunately strangers on the internet are not mind readers.
You should really consider looking into alternative input methods. Brolylegs plays with literally his tongue due to being literally unable to use his hands for anything practical.
I don't know how severe your nerve damage is or where it's centralized, but if you can type at a steady 15WPM you should consider utilizing a keyboard or a Hitbox controller. Or even alternatively a normal fightstick, if your wrists are far better off than your fingers.
Alternatively if you're playing on PC, you can reduce the strain of your hands by getting something like this foot pedal thing. Hook it up to an AutoHotkey script for basic inputs and you can probably work something out.
Not quite the keyboard you have in mind, but it works. I have one. http://www.amazon.com/Control-Keyboard-Action-Switch-Pedal/dp/B00B3PV47O/
I bought mine from eBay, shipped from China. So you can probably find it there for lower shipping.
you mean for stuff like this? http://www.amazon.com/Control-Keyboard-Action-Switch-Pedal/dp/B00B3PV47O what do you want to do, bottom line?
You could use something like this to crouch and jump when shooting: http://www.amazon.com/Control-Keyboard-Action-Switch-Pedal/dp/B00B3PV47O
Hey Jim, instead of pressing f12 or hiring a helper monkey try this:
something like this? http://www.amazon.com/Control-Keyboard-Action-Switch-Pedal/dp/B00B3PV47O
edit: single pedal version: