>I just want to let it go and move on.
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins. Cannot recommend it enough.
Can I recommend a book? Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender. It has been extremely helpful to me in dealing with the same negative emotions you seem to have.
The key point in the book is basically let go of negative emotions anytime you want to. Among other things it explains that a negative feeling can be the source of thousands or even millions of thoughts.
I suggest you to look at the feeling which is fueling these thoughts you're having. Ignore the thoughts, and just acknowledge the feeling. Then if you want to you can simply let go of this feeling. When you realize that don't need the feeling it pretty much evaporates by itself.
> there's being me someone who hasn't even talked to a girl for five plus minutes there's a big difference between the two
I'll say it one more time: Why is that a problem?
>You know what just forget it you're clearly one of those conspiracy theory wack jobs
umm.. ok.. not sure where you got that from. I got some of my beliefs from books such as this: https://www.amazon.com/Letting-Go-Surrender-David-Hawkins-ebook/dp/B00EY818TQ/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
Is the author of that book a "conspiracy theory wack job"?
The reason you are scared of others perceiving you as a "creep" is because of your PRIDE and EGO. The solution to your problems is to LET GO of your pride
Letting go means being AWARE of your fears, LETTING it come up and run its course without RESISTING it. SURRENDER to it. For example, just imagine some people say directly in your face that you're creepy as fuck. Just LET them say that without resisting.
By letting go, the "real" you just WITNESSES the thoughts and feelings your ego wants you to feel. By letting go, you stop identifying with your EGO and you will free yourself from the need to "win" and outcompete others.
Prideful people are CONSTANTLY DEFENSIVE/scared and are DRAINED of energy. OTOH, humble people CAN'T be humiliated because they let go of pride. Having ego increases your fear. When you no longer need to PROTECT your ego, criticisms and insults will NOT hurt because there is nothing to PROTECT
People buy expensive clothes and cars, crave social status to protect their ego. It's sad and astonishing how most people in our society end up being manipulated into working jobs they hate just so they can earn enough money on stuff they don't need just because it improves their social status. The simple solution to their problems is to just LET GO OF PRIDE
The other way to overcome your fear is with self-acceptance. You need to acknowledge all the parts of yourself that you dislike and hate. By ACKNOWLEDGING Them, they no longer control you
I used to feel hopeless by you. Reading this book helped alot: https://www.amazon.com/Letting-Go-Surrender-David-Hawkins-ebook/dp/B00EY818TQ/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8#customerReviews
Reminds me of a book I love that might help you as well! It’s about how to work with each emotion. It’s amazing!
‘Letting Go - David R. Hawkins’
I have read a lot of books on self-help and spirituality, and Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender is definitely the best one I've found.
Hi Reddit! This is my first time posting. I noticed a week ago this video that I had posted gained 149 views in one day from Reddit alone so I endeavoured to find it, so here I am!
To answer your question - I'm not the copyright owner so I'm not at liberty to post huge chunks of the video on to YouTube.
If you're interested in what he's saying, then if I were you, I'd get something a lot cheaper than the lecture DVD.
2 bucks on Kindle in US, 5 bucks anywhere else. One Starbucks if that. And it can change your life, if you apply the simple technique.
Hope that helps!