I use an old LG Optimus somethingorother as my pocket ereader. Several years ago, Amazon offered this little bitty thing for something like $15, and I jumped on that sale. It has been a complete joy. I disabled everything except the kindle app, and the google books app, and it is the best little ereader! If I keep wifi turned off, the battery will easily last two days of vacation reading - meaning - several hours on the plane or bus or car or whatever. Like you, I don't want to drain my phone. Best $15 I've ever spent!
edited to add - just out of curiosity, I looked it up. Optimus Exceed 2. My order indicates that I spent $14.99, yet Amazon will sell you one, today, for $90. What a riot!
I would recommend the LG Optimus Exceed 2. I used to have the Boost Mobile variant of it (LG Realm), and the phone is a charm. It takes on all tasks like a beast, video watching is great, battery is phenomenal, platformer gaming works great and all is good. My only complaint I ever had about it was the camera sucked and seemed grainy, but other than that you aren't going to find a better Verizon phone for $50.
I like your goal then reward system. I will try it!
I play on separate devices. I originally played my alt account on my old smartphone, but then it broke so I bought a cheap replacement for $15. The price dropped down to $10 so I bought another one and started a second alt account. All you have to do is skip the registration and set it on WiFi mode and you have another device for almost nothing!
Edit: The price on it is not quite as good as when I bought it, but I'm sure you can find an adequate device for $10-20. Usually it is the prepaid devices that are cheap to buy. Just make sure there is a way to bypass registering the device and use WiFi only :)
How does SBTV compare with PerkTV for you? I've used both, and IMHO SBTV is nowhere NEAR as good as Perk or Checkpoints, both of which are automatic.
If you need to know, I make about $1.50/day from 2 phones (an old iPhone 4S and an LG Optimus Exceed 2 that I bought for $15 new) running Perk and an old iPhone 3GS running Checkpoints. How does that compare with SBTV for you?
Just curious, trying to figure out the best way to handle this beermoney stuff. I'm relatively new.
I've used a no-contract Android phone (was $20, now about $30) with the setup bypassed to run Avare with no trouble at all and it has a built in GPS.
I would recommend the LG Optimus Exceed 2. It's $15-$20 on Amazon, I used to have it and even as a heavy power user its decent. It has Gorilla Glass and that thing can seriously take a hit, it has decent speakers and runs KitKat, it's 4.5" while the 4S is 3.5", so it should be plenty in terms of screen size.
LG Exceed 2 for $14.99 (Free shipping for Prime members). Limit 2 per order.
Yes, this phone works great, and Amazon has it for $18.99 right now. Best Buy will probably sell it cheaper, but Amazon is an option if you have Prime and want it quick
That one. You jailbreak it with Towelroot, and in about 3 seconds you have yourself a mini tablet for running SB apps.
I did notice that the one I linked seems to have gone up in price. It may have been on sale when I got it.
This android phone goes on sale for like $15 every so often and is pretty decent for the price. You can throw in an sd card for your songs or use Wi-Fi for Spotify/Pandora/etc also can play games or movies over Wi-Fi(guide to bypassing Verizon activation screen). If android isn't your thing you can find Windows phones for extremely cheap($10-$20) on eBay that will do essentially the same thing.
Just to make sure, is it this:
http://www.amazon.com/LG-Optimus-Exceed-Verizon-Prepaid/dp/B00K2XX4OY It does go on sale at $14.99 and sometimes $9.99 from time to time. Great phones even for $20.
Just an FYI, that Tracfone you posted isn't an actual smartphone. Made to be disguise as one! There are LG Verizon pre-paid for like $20 tho. edit: http://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00K2XX4OY/ref=psdc_2483608011_t1_B00JG3M47E
I bought LG Optimus Exceed 2 from amazon for 14.95
This might be a good option for you: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00K2XX4OY?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=od_aui_detailpages00
I just bought the LG Optimus Exceed (Verizon Prepaid) for $14.99. That's good, yes?
LG Optimus Exceed 2 (Verizon Prepaid) $19.99