Great news - I hope you and Dr. D do resume you make a great team. For me Keto has been a god send. Went keto two years ago, dropped 90lbs and got control of my eating for the first time in my life. Also its amazing what it did for my health. I think it would be a great podcast to have Dr. Ken Berry or similar pro keto guy on for a counter view to you and Santana's position. If you are not familiar with Dr. Berry's book Ill link below:
I def agree that keto is not right for everyone but a lot of changed lives out there...
I'll check out the new podcast I hope you guys discussed or will discuss energy systems again. I love listening to Santana walk through that hole ATP system stuff...still haven't figured it all out but I think I learn more each time I hear it.
You didn’t say what your hight is :))
But is always better to focus on what you are eating first if you want to get in shape. I truly believe the Calorie in/ Calorie out strategy is bull$hit. Cut the simple sugars and doughy stuff completely. Also watch out for hidden sugars, most sauces have lots of sugar. Don’t drink sodas, there is a lot of sugar. Eat eggs, meats, leafy vegetables, half cooked vegetables, beans, cottage cheese and plain yogurt (check for hidden sugars) are really awesome, barley or buckwheat porridge is good. Don’t starve yourself, this will just make you feel miserable.
Check this book:
Also a video where the author was talking:
About running — don’t push yourself to hard!!! Combine running with walking, do 2 min running 5 minutes walking, repeat 3-5 times, every week increase running time decrease walking time by 30 sec or how you feel that fits you.
Hope you will reach your goal to a health life, good luck!
I’m sure you’re being facetious, but yes your doctor is wrong; misinformed rather than lying though most likely.
See here for other things your doctor is probably wrong about.
According to this doctor, unless you have a kidney problem, you don't keed to watch your sodium.