It's like Life's Ratchet assuming fundamentals are sound it's a slow one way proccess, the danger is being outcompeted by a superior design.
Even the low level BTC Maxi's that didn't understand the implications of trying to stuff humanity through a 1MB sized hole are beginning to capitulate and realise that the future for the masses is custodial
> Udi Wertheimer: it's very hard for me to imagine that people will all manage their own keys and have self-custody I doubt that would be the case because it's not really built for that in my opinion link
but of course now they don't care as long as numbers go up, an insidious and seductive killer app.
> Udi Wertheimer: I'm still extremely bullish on bitcoin i think it has a lot of room to grow. link
A question to Peter u/mccormack555
Given Udi's opinion (someone you trust) - Bitcoins future is a custodial one for the masses
How will this future be any different from the current system where you were outraged that your bank 'wanted to know what you wanted to use your money for
>> Bank: we want to know what this money going from here to here is > > > Peter: it's none of your business link
the bank then closes your account.
surely even you can see the writing on the wall now?