Lifespan Human Development by Sigelman and Rider.
This is the textbook my development course used. It's decent if a little simplistic, and looks across the entire lifespan. It touches on most of the cornerstone theories adequately and even explores some of the nuance around their practical application.
Thanks! This one?
What utter bullshit. "Less strain on the father" got me mad.
> Damn you must be failing your classes.
This is an <em>ad hominem</em>, which is a logical fallacy. Even if it's the case that I'm failing my classes, this doesn't mean my claims are false.
> Trans people have existed all throughout history
Are you claiming that trans folk have existed in all societies throughout human history, as well as prehistory, even prior to the sex-based division of labor that developed during the First Agricultural Revolution and initially generated the gender construct, and in contemporary genderless societies? If so, please provide evidence.
> most show signs very young, before they understand gender anyway.
Keep in mind that, as developmental psychologist Carol K. Sigelman and pediatrician Elizabeth A. Rider report in <em>Life-Span: Human Development (9th Edition)</em>:
> As early as 2–3 years of age, children seem to understand society’s gender stereotypes and act in gendered ways. (p. 372)
If you're claiming that most trans folk "show signs" of transgender identity prior to ages 2-3, please provide evidence.
> Your points are so shitty lmfao.
Unfortunately, simply declaring "you're wrong!" is not productive or helpful in debate. The burden is on you to explain why you believe I'm wrong, not spout your feelings on the matter. Failure to honor your burden amounts to a cop out, meaning you lose the debate.
I should note that I have extensively debated this issue with your ilk over the past 2 years. Refer to my comment here where I recount my experience:
> FYI, in my experience of debating this issue to death over the past year with fauxgressive adherents of popular transgender ideology like yourself, you people all but invariably either resort to petty personal attacks, offer a slew of fallacious arguments, or else simply cop out; not once have any of you successfully defended your views. Evidently, this is because the ideology is indefensible. It is not possible to successfully defend these ideas, hence why all you people ever do is lash out or give up.
Already, you are exhibiting these very same patterns. Surely, just like every single fauxgressive before you, you will continue to fail to support your beliefs.