Hey! I’d recommend the Adult Children of Alcoholics Lifeskills book for an “adulting” style book that is more for us. And if you haven’t read it yet, the original ACOA book by the same author was immensely helpful when it came to reckoning with certain lacking social skills.
There's a good book on setting boundaries. It's called Life Skills for Adult Children. It was written primarily for children of alcoholics, but I think the advice generally applies to any adult children learning how to negotiate boundaries with their parents.
It's really hard to be growing up in a situation where you feel unheard, especially with the verbal abuse thrown in. You are 17 and will soon be a legal adult and she won't be able to control where you live. Can you make arrangements to move to your dad's after your 18th birthday? Can that sustain you until then? Also, disengaging emotionally can be useful and is a learned skill. It sounds like you mom gets something out of verbal spats with you and disengaging will reduce the toll that takes on you. Therapy would also be really helpful as you struggle to separate yourself from your mother. Check out this site:https://psychcentral.com/pro/recovery-expert/2019/05/healing-from-an-emotionally-abusive-mother#4 and this book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1558740708/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1Best of luck to you!
I've never read this book, but I've read recommendations for it -- Life Skills for Adult Children: https://www.amazon.com/Lifeskills-Adult-Children-Janet-Woititz/dp/1558740708
It's rough -- especially if you absorbed all those expectations when you were very young. I definitely know how it feels.
Two self-help things that have helped me:
There's also a book called Lifeskills for Adult Children (https://www.amazon.com/Lifeskills-Adult-Children-Janet-Woititz/dp/1558740708) that is supposed to be good for helping you sort out what healthy adult relationships look like.