6.75" according to Amazon
I'd worry about the rubber edges. Rubber tends to wear out/flake after time and exposure to the elements, and it's definitely less durable than metal. Not really sure rubber is needed to scoop out every last bit of a meal either. The shape of the spoon end also seems less than optimal for eating. Is this product better than, say, this spork?
Not really. Next on my list is a Dell XPS 13 because I want a small laptop that fits in the EFB pouch on the bag. That would keep me from having to carry around an old clunky laptop.
Small light easy to pack things are usually better for this job.
After breaking countless plastic spoons and forks and having to eat a salad with a butter knife a few times I finally gave in and bought a $14 spork that's reusable and unbreakable.
I also have the titanium version and it is great. Never once worried about breaking it. I typically am only using the spoon on dehydrated foodstuffs, but every so often I do "luxury" hikes where we bring steaks and whatnot and so a discrete fork is a boon. It's because of the fork that I think it's superior to the frequently recommended long spoon option. "Spork" is a total misnomer for the utensil since it is a fork and spoon on opposite ends, not a mutant amalgamation of the two.
Yep, that utensil is for backpackers. It also has a serrated knife on the fork end and is made out of titanum. People here seem to think it's for the dinner table. Go outside more often you screwballs.
Je me suis toujours demandé, vous transportez quoi vous, dans vos sacs à dos ? Depuis que je me suis intéressé à se qu'on appel des EDC (Every Day Carry), je transporte toujours avec moi un équipement qui ferait passer Marry Poppins pour une petite joueuse. Mes recherches sur le sujet m'ont forcement fait passer par le survivalisme, qui est un sujet vachement intéressant ! Mais comme pour la muscu j'ai du subir tout les clichés qui vont avec... Exemple rapide : Muscu = Gros cons masculiniste superficiel et beauf Survivalisme = Facho agressif et asocial
C'est dommage que les gens aient autant de clichés, parce que c'est un domaine très instructif. Bref, en gros j'ai toujours sur moi :
*Rangé dans une pochette Maxpedition.
Voila. J'vais peut être passer pour un gros taré aux yeux de certains, mais ça m'a bien aidé d'avoir tout ça sur moi, en de nombreuses occasion. Je vous invite à partager vos sac, comment vous prévoyez les coups dur, votre avis sur le sujet, etc !
PS: Il existe un sous du doux nom de /r/edc, sauf qu'eux, ils rajoutent aussi des armes à feux pour certains ('murica style...).
I didn't really have any aviation related gear as a CFI. I had my headset which was way too expensive for my girlfriend to want to buy me, and I used a Jansport backpack from high school as my flight bag.
Once I got to the airlines my 'gear' increased immensely. Since I'm on the road a lot I have two of everything. Two of each toiletry, two razors, two phone chargers, two pairs of running shoes. I've forgotten things so many times that now I just keep one set of everything in my overnight bag, with a separate set at home and that way I can never forget anything on a trip.
For strictly flying related expenses I have an Aerocoast EFB bag, luggage works suitcase, nice sunglasses, a backup power brick, an anker 5 port charger, this incredibly expensive spork, some window shades, a pen recorder because passengers are idiots. Other than the sunglasses, I didn't need any of that as a CFI.
Titanium Spork: https://smile.amazon.com/Light-My-Fire-Titanium-Spork/dp/B001E7S5BO/
Balisong trainer butterfly knife: https://smile.amazon.com/Amarey-Butterfly-Knife-Trainer-Unsharpened/dp/B01N2OPT60/
Novelty switchblade comb: https://smile.amazon.com/Stainless-Steel-Switch-Blade-Comb/dp/B00A967Q3O/
Kickboxing gloves: https://smile.amazon.com/Everlast-MMA-Kick-Boxing-Gloves/dp/B005OOFTA8/
Foam Nunchakus: https://smile.amazon.com/Sets-Ninja-Foam-Rubber-Nunchakus/dp/B01ER3FPNC/
(there's also Nerf swords on amazon, good for a quick battle)
MALL NINJA PATCH!!! https://smile.amazon.com/Maxpedition-Mall-Ninja-Patch-SWAT/dp/B00P18G9SI/
Rubber Throwing Stars: https://smile.amazon.com/Eight-Assorted-Rubber-Ninja-Stars/dp/B001NW1MEC/
And a Ninja Mask (that's good in winter too) https://smile.amazon.com/Balaclava-Winter-Fleece-Windproof-Women/dp/B01KG78NVE/
Not entirely mall ninja stuff, but I'm figuring you don't want the 11 year old to be lethal just yet ;)
I've got an anodized aluminum spork from sea to summit. Saturday i forgot it and picked up this on the way to the trail: Light my Fire Titanium Spork https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001E7S5BO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_dPCwBb75F13C4
I like this. It has a fork/knife on one end, and a full spoon on the other. And it only weighs 0.2 ounces.
I have a Light My Fire Titanium Spork that I really like, and it includes a knife.
Out of curiosity why are you carrying a broken plastic Light My Fire spork when you could be carrying a Titatium Light My Fire Spork or a CRKT Eat N' Tool?
How about a Titanium Spork for a little off the wall?
there are titanium sporks
Tiny (near perfect) 16gb USB Flash Drive
I wasn't blown away by the organizer thing, but the rest are good.
Just finished my holiday shopping: Titanium Spork
I get what you're saying but I keep one these in my truck and one in my work bag; https://www.amazon.com/Light-my-Fire-Titanium-Spork/dp/B001E7S5BO/
And I'm not even a hippie! Just liked it well enough to stash a few where I'll need them.
THESE are pretty great to have in your bag or whatnot. i have one made of titanium.