Yep. Broke mine in April roller skating like a goon. Only just been discharged to go back to sports and things but my tendons are sore from not being used.
Buy one of these if you can:
It elevates the leg and keeps it still. I couldn't sleep with the leg raised on a towel or just flat. But this made everything way more comfortable for me. Especially as you'll be lying down for a good 5-8 weeks.
After that do all the exercises. I had stiff tendons for a couple weeks which made walking hell.
Maybe 7 as I woke up. I was out the door within a half hour with no pain. At home it was uncomfortable but not painful for the first few days, and no pain after day 3 ish. Cold therapy machine and elevation really saved me. This was great and very well recommended for sleeping.
Elevation pillow
I like that one! I got this one. It's only for 1 leg. I'm a side sleeper too, and hoping the cup will keep me on one place. Once I have it and try it out, I'll let y'all know how it does.
For me, the thing that works best is to have my calf propped up on the pillows, so there's no pressure on the knees at all. But there are different kinds of knee pain.
I use this one when I'm in my bed that raises the knees, because I want to have my lower leg elevated higher because otherwise it swells up:
I had ACL recon & lateral/medial meniscus repair. I had to sleep with my brace locked at 0 degrees for 6 weeks! I got through it with this elevation pillow that I would use while on my back and figured out a way to side sleep with my op leg on top and pillow cushioning between my legs.
Hi-five!! Yes edibles has been my go-to! Have to take 2-3 gummies to knock myself out so I’m just melting into the bed and don’t care what position I’m in haha It’s also legal here. Are you in Cali too?
I actually cleared the wedge pillow through my surgeon.
LightEase Memory Foam Leg, Knee, Ankle Support and Elevation Leg Pillow for Surgery
He said it’s perfectly fine. I can reach almost 0 extension with those exercises you suggested, and having a rolled towel under my ankles. I’m just concerned i might get to negatives, as I heard that’s bad for the meniscus, so I’m not pushing myself as hard for it as during prehab. Thanks for the concern and suggestions though! Very helpful and encouraging!
My first PT session is today. Luna physical therapy FTW! I don’t have to leave my house as they come direct to you. The most awesome thing is most therapists are already on this network as they pay pretty well and are accepted by most insurance companies.
Oh! I have been in either a boot or a cast since mid-July so I have all sorts of fun hacks/tips.
First, this thing that another poster recommended to me on here has been a HUGE help for sitting comfortably (and I used it to sleep at first):
For showering, I was able to borrow a shower chair from a relative, which was a game changer. Definitely recommend getting one if you can.
I think my biggest “hack” has been taking over our nice home office chair with wheels as my around-the-house wheelchair. It’s so much easier than using a walker or crutches around the house and less taxing on my upper body.
Hang in there!
I second urgent care! If it makes you feel any better about going to the ER though, I had to go recently because I broke my foot and it was very safe relating to COVID/none of the staff seemed to be annoyed or overwhelmed by me. Hope you are feeling better! Two hours on/two hours off with an ice pack and keeping my leg elevated basically around the clock has been helpful. This awesome thing was recommended to me on another sub and I’ve been loving it:
Check out elevation pillows on amazon. I preferred the ones with out the channel as I was in two boots and had to elevate both but this works if you are trying not to move: LightEase Memory Foam Leg, Knee, Ankle Support and Elevation Leg Pillow for Surgery
I got something akin to this. It's bulky and now shoved in a cupboard somewhere - but I found it worth the investment :) Think there's inflatable ones too.
40 year old male, decent physical shape. Had fusion surgery, 2 plates, 13 screws, 2 pins. Surgery was on Sept. 15th same as post above. NWB for 8 weeks. Lots of pain for the first week to week and a half. Definitely take it easy, don’t rush the process. Give yourself time to heal. I was at 25% WB last week and 50% this week. Learning to walk again has been a bit painful, but not as bad as the first week post surgery. I would suggest getting a knee scooter, I couldn’t do basic things without it. I’ve heard good things about the Iwalk as well. See if your insurance will cover it. I have lots of stairs in my house, this was the first week I didn’t have to crawl up them. There’s a wedge made of memory foam you can purchase, I highly recommend this as it cradles your leg while you sleep and is much more sturdy and comfortable than pillows. In retrospect I think I would have gotten the I walk. I’d expect to be down for three months, but we are all different and heal differently. My work doesn’t have light duty, so if you have programs like unemployment, disability, etc. start your paperwork ASAP. Mine just came through and I started the paper work two months ago. Hang in there.
I got this pillow
LightEase Memory Foam Leg, Knee, Ankle Support and Elevation Leg Pillow for Surgery