Yeah I think it will get you going on a journey on getting better at Linux, there will be other things you just pick up along the way.
There's also a super cool book Called Linux for hackers, highly recommend picking that up and then I'm sure with the course and the book you will be more than ready👌🏻
Linux basics for hackers -
One is a programming language and the other is an operating system.
C# is good for writing applications. Python is just as good, in some cases better. Kali is an operating system like Windows/Mac OS. Also one does not "create" hacks. You write a program/scrip that executes what you are looking to do. If the system vulnerable then you can use the script to do things. I'd recommend checking out Metasploit or reading the book Linux Basics for Hackers - Amazon book. That should point you in the right direction.
first, start with the basics. watch some tutorials about networking, linux, and some scripting languages ( bash and python - its enough for now). and after you master these 3, start doing CTF on hackthissite for exemple. You need to learn how to think outside the box, dont rush to the htb cuz its not for beginners. I recommend to start reading books, for me it helped a lot ( you can start with this book, its a good read for a beginner - and dont limit yourself only to the exemples in the book, try to think about other ones and implement them in order to really understand what is happening and why). if you have questions, feel free to ask
Majority of Linux Administration is at the terminal (cmd prompt).
If you have the time and available funds I really liked "Linux Basic for Hackers" written by occupytheweb
This book is great for how to install and use the basics of Kali. It takes a few hours to get through the whole book
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Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Ne… | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
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Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Ne… | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
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Ubuntu is great. Most production environments I've worked in run RHEL. I prefer running CentOS for that reason.
If you're looking for some free resources, I have a few helpful for learning Linux.
Excellent site for learning the basics
Gain hands-on experience without having to repurpose your box
Building a home lab: Tony Robinson recently released a free, updated copy of his book "Building Virtual Machine Labs: A Hands-On Guide."
- Original:
- Update:
If you're looking to spend some money to learn, Linux Academy (RIP) -- now ACloudGuru -- has immensely helped my career. Pluralsight is also a fine resource.
Also, the following book is one of my favorites.
Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali