I was worried about this too, but a pillow under my knees has totally stopped me from tossing and turning. I bought this set that included the under-the-knee pillow and a wedge and I've used the hell out of them.
https://www.amazon.com/Lisenwood-Foam-Bed-Wedge-Pillow/dp/B07SQYSRPQ/ref=sr_1_27?crid=1A3ZSIZUWGULX&dchild=1&keywords=bed+wedge+pillow&qid=1635793820&qsid=138-9982667-1711234&sprefix=bed+we%2Caps%2C204&sr=8-27&sres=B07Q... try using a wedge pillow like this. may take a few nights to get comfortable with but now I cant sleep without it.
Returning to report. This is the one I’ve ordered. $66 instead of $265 for the Liverator combo. Waiting with bated breath for it to arrive =~}
Would something like this work??
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Lisenwood Foam Bed Wedge Pillow Set - Reading Pil… | $67.44 | $67.44 | 4.3/5.0 |
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