A lot of it is 1950's and onward, it's not even the difficulty level of the stuff. It's a 1000 level class I need for an AA (I've not taken a single humanities in my entire 3 years here). I am just so done with over analyzing this to death. A lot of the selections are from this if you happen to have it.
I'm actually in the middle of an online exam and just ranting because I really hate poetry: this is a list of the current ones, and yeah, I like some but I don't think any are super enlightening or life-changing in the way she seems to think so... maybe I'm just bitter.
“Noted in the New York Times Maxine Kumin (501)
“Advice From a Caterpillar” Gerstler (576)
“The Black Walnut Tree” Oliver (522)
“The Fish” Marianne Moore (456)
“The Fish” Elizabeth Bishop (476)
“The Lake Isle of Innisfree” W.B. Yeats (435)
“We Wear the Mask” Dunbar (441)
“Dulce de Decorum Est” Owen (463)
“Musée des Beaux Arts” W.H. Auden (473)
“Incident” Cullen (472)
“One Art” Bishop (478)
“You Can Have It” Levine (508)
“The Stone Crab” Phillips (528)
“Facing It” Komunyakaa (553)
“The Athlete” Joseph (581)
“Here, Bullet” Turner (582)
“First Love, A Quiz” A.E. Stallings (584)