> I want to be a devotee but I can't find any prayer book of the little office,
They never did, as I understand it, either. But I have seen post-reform LOBVM published, e.g., this one on Amazon. Perhaps they just use the common and are calling it that?
I didn’t know about it until like 10 minutes ago. Here is the link on Amazon of one that claims to have been reformed by the Second Vatican Council, it says it in the product description: Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary https: Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary https://www.amazon.com/dp/0899424503/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_NyMSDb3KRQM7E
I’m trying to decide between getting the one reformed by the Second Vatican Council or the traditional one. I’m also wondering if they are both valid for the Sabbatine Privilege?
> The edition I have is a post-1970 publication
This one? I pray the Baronius, and I really like it, but the Matins/Lauds is a little long.