If you search "adult pacifiers" on Amazon, you can find a good selection (although beware there will be some ag3pl@y/k!nk stuff mixed in).
More specifically I've heard good things about LittleforBig pacis, specifically ones in three packs like these. They're plain but the shield is big enough for decoration if you want to do it yourself and they each come with little cases to keep them clean when not in use.
Plus in your case, your bank statement will simply show the transaction as Amazon (although if possible, don't use the family account since it show up on the purchase history and apparently it's kind of hard to remove) and it should come in regular Amazon packaging so you can play it off like you just ordered a book or something
Plus if there's one near you, you can have it shipped to an Amazon pickup box instead of your house just to really make sure it doesn't get intercepted
LittleForBig. Again it is a k!nk company so maybe don't buy from them if you're not 18+ because there will some items that definitely wouldn't fit with agere, but a lot of people really like their pacis.
Here's the ones I bought
Hold on, need to file a patent, brb..
Damnit, I’m too late
Littleforbig Bigshield Gen-2 Adult Sized Pacifier Dummy Bigshield 3 Paci Pack - Pink, Blue, Lavender https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B072HMS1S9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_H.uWFbR7HYW3T
Get him one of these.
try this website! https://www.stimtastic.co/stim-jewelry/chewy-jewelry they make a lot of chewable jewelry. also, if you're looking for bigger pacis specifically, i believe there are specially made adult pacifiers that would be harder for him to choke on (example here: https://www.amazon.com/Littleforbig-Bigshield-Gen-2-Adult-Pacifier/dp/B072HMS1S9 ) good luck!
pacifiers are a nice place to start like This
These are really good. They're also a steal at 15 freedom dollars.