I’ve read “You Are What You Love” by James K.A. Smith and my takeaway was that his main point is about pushing for a Biblical liturgy in our worship services. He does incorporate a lot of thoughts about ”everyday liturgies,” but I really think it would be a disservice to the book to say it’s all about trying to call everything “liturgy.” The book “Liturgy of the Ordinary” is much more guilty of the problem this article is talking about, in my opinion.
In Smith’s book I did wonder if he failed to place enough importance on doctrinal teaching and discipleship. However, one of the most impactful arguments he made was that too many churches today make Christianity all about getting doctrine right. Smith says this focus regards church members as “brains on sticks.” Liturgy that’s based on Biblical narratives helps shape our entire being and orient us toward the truth. Getting everyone to mentally assent to the “right” doctrine and making that our fundamental goal is really inhuman and not the point of Christianity.