I brought it up and although she’d never heard of it, I’m glad I brought it up as ‘limerence’ (instead of calling it a ‘crush’ or some other kind of relationship). It framed it as something I’m actively struggling with and not as something I should pursue with the LO. My therapist was very supportive and understanding. I also gave her the link to Living With Limerence, which helped me contextualize a lot of what I wanted to deal with, in my treatment.
Bring it up but name the term. Be honest with yourself about what this is for you (an obsession, as you called it) but be compassionate with yourself because it’s also a coping mechanism you’re obviously trying to work through. That’s why you’re in therapy! Good luck!
Here’s a link to the blurb
I find it interesting that it points out how uncertainty is key to limerence (romantic obsession/ addiction to the thrill)
That’s why male sociopaths will shower you in love then take it away….then act kind again. To destabilise you.
They deliberately play hot and cold once they’ve got you ‘hooked’ so that you fixate on the what ifs and keep rocking back and forth about leaving.
The key to breaking free from this is recognising you’re being manipulated- if you feel unsure or anxious that is a glaring red flag you’re not convinced & so you must convert that into an automatic bye.
Knowledge is half the battle.
Try reading this link.
Also try reading about your problem, maybe you have limerence (book)
Also NMMNG (book)